Serial Entrepreneur and Swiss Founders Fund Founding Partner, Christian Mischler on his investment with Protos

Protos Asset Management
3 min readNov 3, 2017

Christian Mischler is a serial entrepreneur, and investor. He’s partner at Firstchain Capital and Founding Partner at Swiss Founders Fund. Previously he founded and exited Foodpanda (acq. by Delivery Hero) and HotelQuickly.

We asked Christian to share his thoughts behind his investment in Protos and the crypto space in general.

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Please tell us a bit about yourself and your background.

I’m a Swiss serial entrepreneur who’s spent the past 5+ years in Asia building high growth tech startups.

Most recently, I founded and exited HotelQuickly and prior to that was co-founder & global COO / CTO of Foodpanda, which was acquired by Delivery Hero in December last year. Currently I actively invest in tech ventures via Swiss Founders Fund, where I’m a Partner.

Before technology startups, I worked as an in-house consultant at Credit Suisse. Aside from entrepreneurship, I’ve always had a passion for capital markets, which lead me to trading equity derivatives in my free time while I was at university.

When did you get into crypto?

I started to invest into crypto a few years ago. While 2017 has been a game changer for anyone in this market, I believe we are only now entering a maturing stage where more institutional capital will flow into the market and prices will continue to rise.

Crypto is becoming mainstream and adoption is increasing. It’s value is not only as object of speculation and store of value, but also for financial transactions and in form of medium of information exchange.

Why did you invest in crypto and how do you see the space evolving in the next few years?

Crypto currencies and blockchain technology combine a number of fundamental principles that I have strong beliefs in.

First, the world is becoming more global and interconnected, yet it has largely failed to democratize and globalize the wealth creation for the masses. Income gaps have widened, the richest are becoming wealthier while the situation for the poorest has hardly improved.

Decentralization bears the potential to change that.

Secondly, I strongly believe that collective intelligence is superior to individual decision making. Together we’re better and stronger.

Democracies can be slow and decisions are sometimes hard to accept by minorities, but if all stakeholders have a weighted say in the decision making process, it will lead to a superior way of running organizations.

Thirdly, it’s a natural evolvement in the history of money. We’ve long moved on from the “gold standard”, yet we still hodl on to paper bills and trust in central banks, even though they’ve proven time and time again that they have difficulties running a monetary system.

Lastly, blockchain technology is and will continue to give rise to business models that, to date, have been unimaginable and will change our lives for the better. It’s hard to grasp the sheer potential that lies ahead of us and I’m excited to play an active role in this.

Why Protos?

First and foremost, Protos allows investors to get exposure to crypto currencies in a diversified and sophisticated manner.

The team is a great mix of highly educated scientists and experienced finance veterans who all share a long history of investing into crypto currencies. The investment principles, applied algorithms, active management, and the ability to tap into a secondary market thanks to a tokenization of fund shares, are a compelling offering for anyone who is looking to invest into the market rather than a single asset in this new asset class.

In my personal view, cryptocurrencies are still nascent and any investor should invest with a long term investment horizon. Hence, what better way to do this than via a managed but liquid fund?

Protos is a tokenized hedge fund. We’re passionate about encouraging crypto adoption by providing a global onramp to blockchain asset investment. Our ICO public sale starts November 7, 2017. Visit to register or learn more.



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