How We Launched Our Own Venture Capital Fund At 21 And 23-Years-Old

Rajat Bhageria
Prototype Capital
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2018

In January 2018, Nandeet Mehta and I announced our first ever venture fund, Prototype Capital, a fund and studio investing $5 million over the next 18 months with scouts all over the country sourcing deals. Raising the fund and launching it is unlike anything we’ve ever done and much unlike fundraising for a startup. Here are some things we learned about fundraising for your own venture capital fund from investors (aka limited partners):

1) If raising money for a startup is hard, raising money for a fund is 10x harder

We originally had the concept for a distributed fund with ex/current founders around the world as venture scouts in late September 2015; since then we were informally on a limited partner search (though still as students). It took us a little under two years to raise it. We had over 400 meetings or phone conversations with potential LPs from larger venture capital funds, pension funds, family offices, high net-worth individuals, and corporations, all of whom said no.

Especially as first-time fund managers who were young and had never invested ourselves before — we had both worked at VC firms but not as partners — most LPs wanted to see some kind of traction before they were willing to commit but nobody was willing to take the first bet. Without capital to invest, we couldn’t show traction; and without traction, we couldn’t raise capital. Ultimately, we resorted to showing growth by convincing top founders to serve as venture scouts for us at frontier cities in the US, finding a set of deals that we’d invest in if we had capital, and then advising the startups to show we can get into major deals. In hindsight, we learned that on average it takes around one-and-a-half years to raise a fund.

2) Age plays a massive role and most people won’t take you seriously

It’s common, and even a badge of honor, to be a young startup founder today. But VCs are traditionally seen as grey-haired ex-entrepreneurs at a minimum in their thirties. Even though we had an exit under our belt, we were young at 21 and 23 when we closed our first fund (19 and 21 when we informally “founded” the fund), and so most seasoned limited partners didn’t take us seriously. While most were at least willing to take a meeting because of our strategy, very few were willing to commit.

There really isn’t any way around this except to focus on why your age is a benefit more than a liability. We focused on the fact that our age would allow us to understand Millennials and Gen-Z minds, fund and build companies aimed at that market, and find under-the-radar founders through our scouts.

3) To separate yourself, your thesis needs to give you an unfair advantage that other potential VCs don’t have

With so many other options where potential LPs could invest their money, having a differentiated thesis (i.e., not just “we’re going to invest in software as a service companies based in the bay area”) was vital in not only not giving up ourselves and also convincing LPs why they should look away from just traditional Silicon Valley VCs and take a bet on us.

In our case, we noticed the software industry is becoming saturated and noisy, and prophesied that traditional industries like healthcare, transportation, consumer packaged goods and manufacturing are where massive transformation will happen in the next fifty years. In these industries, the potential founders who have domain level expertise are distributed all over the country, not only where the lion’s share of VCs invest, San Francisco. And thus our “unfair advantage” was our scout network who would be able to find founders around the country that other VCs aren’t even paying attention to.

The reason LPs were even willing to consider our thesis as a young, first-time fund managers is that we had essentially “outsourced” a major part of the venture capital supply chain — dealflow — to a scalable process, something that no other venture firm had executed before. Without this novel thesis, I don’t think most LPs would have even considered us as a potential investment (instead of putting their capital into a fund that has proven itself like Sequoia or KPCB).

4) It’s all about having a champion

Like most things though, fundraising comes down to someone who’s willing to take a bet on you as individuals. Ultimately, after having on-and-off conversations with our LPs for one-and-a-half years, we had built a network of ten founders as scouts around the nation, sourced a 200+ deals, and created processes to scale the fund processes to work with fifty plus scouts; because of this traction we were finally able to convince LPs that we were a bet worth taking and they commit. Having a champion changed everything — no longer were we a couple of “kids” playing around but instead a formal fund with successful VCs backing us.

5) The funding sources are less obvious

When you’re fundraising for a startup, angels and venture firms are fairly well marketed. On the other hand, when LP hunting, potential sources of capital are not very public. Ultimately most asset managers may be interested, but their public information will usually not tell you much and as a result there’s a very high false positive rate in meetings that end up going nowhere.
6) Your returns need to at minimum be greater than the annual return of the stock market index

For most asset managers, venture capital as an asset class is usually less than ten percent of most portfolios (usually much smaller). And 98% of returns in venture capital are generated by two percent of firms. So the questions become

1) Why should I even invest in venture capital at all when I can get a consistent seven percent annual return on the S&P?

2) Even if I do want to allocate some of my portfolio to risky VCs, why should I invest in you when most likely you’re not going to do as well as those guys on Sand Hill Road who’ve been at it for 40 years?

When you’re a startup, there’s an expectation that since you’re innovating with a product, you will fail with a high likelihood. But with venture capital, failure is really much less of an option — if you can’t at least show that you can return the S&P 500 (a simple index of the largest corporations in America), why would future LPs invest in your Fund II over just investing in an index fund that’s 100x less risky?

7) You’re running a company as much as a fund

It’s important to realize that as founders of a fund, you have two full-time jobs: managing the company itself with employees, a payroll, and HR; and also managing the investment arm of the venture fund. While returns may come from sourcing deals, doing diligence, and making investments, most of our time goes into running the company, hiring, managing platform, building a culture and a team, and building processes to automate operations. Interestingly, the former job is of a financier and the latter is of an entrepreneur and yet both seem to reinforce each other and make you better at both.

Rajat Bhageria is the Founding Managing Partner at Prototype Capital. This article was originally published on FORBES.

