10 Things You Can Do With A Bag Of Flour That’s Not Just Baking

recipes from a lazy home chef

Aphinya Dechalert
Hustle Thrive Grow
Published in
7 min readApr 9, 2020


I haven’t left the house in just over two weeks. The furthest I’ve gone is into our little front yard to check on how the snowpeas are coming along.

When New Zealand went into total shutdown, there wasn’t much time to prepare for anything. Overall, everyone had 48 hours. My brain went into an automated grab ‘n dash kind of mode since the shelves were almost empty.

The supply chain was not going to catch up in time before the lockdown happened and I ended up with flour and rice, among other random things like kimchi and a lot of soy sauce.

2 weeks in and a lot of my friends have run out of things to make — not because they haven’t got any food left in the pantry, but rather it’s the boredom of eating the same things over and over again. Everyone is sick of pasta. Everyone is sick of making bread.

For me, I’ve got a toddler — which means to keep things interesting, I needed to get creative with the stash of flour I’ve got.

And it turns out you can make a lot with just flour, water, and salt.

Without further ado, here are 10 things you can make with flour — with my own personal recipes.

1. dumpling skins

