StepOut Safe

Christine Ghossoub
Prototyping for Urban Planners
7 min readDec 18, 2019

Don’t let fear stop you from walking

Are you afraid of your own shadow?

What did we launch?

StepOut Safe is an app designed for all pedestrians to learn about how safe the streets surrounding them are when they plan to take a walk, and to easily report any potential incidents on their route. The app will help them make decisions on which routes to take after selecting their destination. Any person who enjoys walking and the outdoors is a target of our app. StepOut Safe is especially useful when walking at night, when most people perceive the streets to be less safe.

Crime events are omnipresent in cities such as NYC. Despite receiving regular alerts on crimes in the neighborhood, it is often difficult to locate the exact spots of crime, the nature and intensity of the crime in order to tailor walking routes accordingly.

The StepOut Safe MVP will provide pedestrians with 3 key features:

  • A base map with embedded public events at a walking distance and recent crime alerts within that area
  • The 911 call button to report any incidents on the road
  • A feedback feature for pedestrians to share live photos and express their thoughts during their walk

Why is this important?

Today, the most used apps for exploring destinations and routing are Google Maps and Citymapper. However, these apps do not provide enough information on crime and safety. Both of these apps’ interfaces are more convenient for vehicular and public transit modes. Routing to selected destinations is based on speed and the user is limited to a certain number of routes. Moreover, the NYPD CompStat 2.0 provides details on crime and incidents but does not allow for limiting the geographic scope or planning walking routes.

StepOut Safe will display a map that is pedestrian-friendly by providing locations of public events, as well as crime details and locations for the user to shape his/her route according to these features. The app also features the 911 call button for reporting incidents on the road. StepOut Safe is mainly for pedestrians and will later be expanded to include bikers. The user will get to limit the geographic scope by choosing the distance they would like to walk based on his/her preferences.

StepOut Safe has larger planning implications. It is a tool that provides both more awareness about safety that will push pedestrians to be more alert while passing through certain areas and that incentivizes more people to step out from the indoors and walk outside to nearby destinations, improving the general public health of communities and encouraging a healthier lifestyle. The app is a tool that will make people feel safer walking outside.

How do you use it?

Built on Simplicity, Security and Sharing, and a catalyst for walking, StepOut Safe is designed to help pedestrians travel more safely to their destinations.


When the user wants to step out around them, the user will need to identify his/her current location. The user will then select the walking duration based on his/her preferences and physical abilities. The user will hit the search button and StepOut Safe will search for public events that are within the distance from the location of the user.


StepOut Safe will then display a map with geocoded safety alerts that the user will be able to select and learn more about. Next to every crime point, a time tag will be displayed indicating how long ago the crime occurred from the moment the user uses the app. If the user needs to know more information about the alerts, he/she taps the crime point and detailed info will show up at the bottom of the page. When a crime is tapped, the location, the time, and the date of the crime will be shown. The crime points will be categorized into 2 groups: violent crimes and non-violent crimes. Violent crimes include robbery, assault, rape, and murder. Non-violent crimes include grand larceny, burglary, and grand larceny of motor vehicle.


The user will select a destination to walk to based on the safety criteria displayed on the map, after checking out the crime points. The user will hit the “go” button to start the navigation mode and walk to the selected destination.


If the users agree to share information about their walking tour, they will approve location tracking on their device using the main settings of the app on the top right side of the screen. StepOut Safe will then track the location and count the steps. Every time the user walks 1,000 steps, a message box will pop up on the screen to notify the user. During the walk, the user will have the option to call 911 if they see any alarming events, and express their thoughts using emojis. With this simple feature, users will create crowdsourced feedback based on real-time walking experiences. Other users using the app will be able to see this feedback. More specific safety alerts can be reported via pictures and comments dragged on the road segments displayed on the app’s background map. When the user decides to end their walk, StepOut Safe will inform the user about the number of steps he/she walked and the number of calories burned. The option to share the walk on various social media networks will also be displayed for more interactivity and incentive to walk.

What’s next?

Roadmap for Future Steps

In the second quarter of 2020, StepOut would like to partner with Numina to display to add a new feature to the app that will help pedestrians make better informed decisions on where they walk. The feature is the real-time level of crowdedness of the streets. The streets will be color-coded based on these levels. For example, the red color would signify a higher crowdedness level and the yellow color a lower level. According to previous studies, users feel safer walking the streets when the streets are more active and when there is more natural surveillance. This feature will be embedded in the basemap displayed by the app.

In the third quarter of 2020 until the first quarter of 2021, the app will display aggregated feedback (i.e. emojis, comments, and pictures) collected from users per street segment. That feature for previous feedback will be added to the app as 3 checkbox layers that the user can choose to turn on or off.

Starting in 2021, StepOut Safe will be partnering with more local event organizers (we are currently partnered with Urbanspace) to display more events and interesting destinations on the basemap. These destinations will be embedded in the basemap. Additionally, StepOut will partner with local retailers and provide discount coupons for the app users who choose to walk to these retail stores. This will create a loop where both pedestrians and local retailers will benefit, as well as the app developers who will make profit through the transactions.


Q: Can anyone use the StepOut Safe app?

A: The app can be used by anyone. The MVP version is currently adaptable with all 414x736 phone models.

Q: Where is the crime data taken from, and how recent is it?

A: All crime points are taken from the NYPD Compstat 2.0 platform. NYPD displays safety data up to one week before current. A feature showing aggregated crowdsourced safety data on reported crimes by users of the app will be added to StepOut Safe in the future.

Q: Do you verify users’ feedback before displaying it on the app?

A: Absolutely. StepOut Safe has an editorial team that reviews the appropriateness and quality of the comments and pictures shared by the app users. The feedback will only be shown publicly after it is approved by the team.

Q: Will the StepOut Safe app provide routing and navigation for pedestrians?

A: In its current version, the StepOut Safe app does not limit users to specific walking routes to provide for more flexibility for users to choose the paths they are most comfortable with based on their personal preferences and physical abilities.

In future versions of the app, a navigation tool will allow the user to look at the route from a street angle facing forward. Navigation tools such as guiding arrows and voice messages will be added to help orient users during their walk to selected destinations.

Q: Can I choose more than one destination along my walk?

A: The current version of the app (MVP) allows users to choose a single destination of interest only. However, the ability for users to choose more than one destination will be added in the future.

Q: How will the users make sure that their data is secure and private?

A: All user names will be anonymized. The app will not collect or store any user identifying data.


For any concerns or questions, please feel free to reach out to the StepOut Safe team by email at:


Enjoy walking safely on the streets…

