ecoATM Redesign

3D Model Prototype, HCID 521 Prototyping Studio, at University of Washington

Nina Wei
Prototyping Practice



This in class exercise aimed to redesign the ecoATM, and created the 3D model prototype. ecoATM is an automated eWast recycling station. People can drop their old cellphone, tablets or MP3 players into ecoATM kiosk. It will evaluate the old device’s cost and then people will get the instant cash, also they could donate some of the reward directly to foundation. ecoATM makes the electronic industry more green-friendly. My team members for this exercise are Chase, David, and Patrick.


Design Process

Investigation & User Research

Firstly, we researched more to know about the ecoATM. At the mean time, Chase and I operated role playing to experience the whole process that people recycle the old device to a worker (we expected the machine to be more humanity). It helped us better empathize the potential users’ needs.

hot discussion

From the research and role playing, we then focused on the following questions/issues:

  1. The ergonomics design: How can the ecoATM(the size) fitted people with different height, so that they can stand or seat comfortably when operating the machine?
  2. The interaction design: Which interaction type between the people and the ecoATM is more natural, humanity and preferred? Standing and operating the same way as the traditional ATM, OR Seating and operating on the desk screen, OR others?
  3. The transparency issue: Faking as a user, some of us were afraid that the phone would be disappeared when it was put into the machine. Make the whole process transparent and visible would be more trustful and comfortable to users.
  4. Simplify the process: We were trying our best to think about new ideas to simplify the process. It is important to “Keep It Simple Stupid”.

Ideation & Sketching

We brainstormed and came up with several ideas. While, we created our own design constrains and principles to evaluate these ideas.

  1. The fewer steps, the better.
  2. Provide confirmation or feedback to users when they performed a certain action.
  3. Transparency.
  4. Low cost of learning, in case that users are accustomed to using the traditional ATM machines.

Moreover, we sketched our ideas and tried to create a better user flow.

original ideas
user flow
simple paper prototype

3D Model Prototype

We started to create our 3D model prototype, and through the process, we refined our idea.

making model prototype
making model prototype

It is our final 3D model prototype, though seems imperfect, we do did a very good job from investigation to model prototype in only two hours.

final model prototype for ecoATM

The main design concepts are as follows:

  1. The display screen is almost 2/3 of the whole interface, so that it is readable enough.
  2. The credit/ID card readers are in a same slot.
  3. The draw is below the display and operation interface. It is transparent so that users can see all the working process(i.e. scan) inside the machine. Also, the cover will close automatically. It is very easy and convenient to lift up and down.


During the class presentation and critique, we found out many common issues that we all cared about — transparency, accessibility, and simplicity. Our design do addressed the transparency and simplicity. Actually, at first, we thought careful about the accessibility, such as the height and size. However, we assumed the process of recycling old device will not take much time and also people often want to recycle ASAP, thus, we decided not to make the machine customized.

The model prototype is extremely helpful, and it benefits the evaluation and refinement of the idea, the design thinking, and the communication among team members.

Be thoughtful, creative, and make full use of all the things around.



Nina Wei
Prototyping Practice

Yes, humans are social animals. Yes but no, humans are lonely social animals.