5 Singapore LGBTQ+ Telegram Channels To Get Queer News & Updates

Kyle from Prout
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2018

Telegram is a messaging app that provides a great space to chat with your friends and send stickers, but did you know you can also follow organisations on Telegram and join in their group chats?

We’ve listed 5 Telegram channels and groups that cover the LGBTQ+ space, that we think are worthy of a follow. If you want to skip the mess of finding what you want on Facebook and want the privacy of not letting everyone know you’ve “liked” a queer page, get your queer update fix in these Telegram channels below.

1. Prout

Prout started our Telegram channel in March 2018 with the simple goal of providing an anonymous space where LGBTQ+ folk do not have to be identified and can still receive queer news and updates. Email was getting outdated and spammy, and Facebook was not the place to receive queer news for those who are not out yet.

Since the launch of Prout’s Telegram channel The Qurrent (t.me/proutapp), some 1,400 subscribers have logged on to receive queer Asian news and updates twice a week. The Qurrent was also the official broadcast channel of annual pride gathering Pink Dot in 2018.

Follow Prout at t.me/proutapp.

2. Inter-University LGBT Network

The Singapore-based network recently moved its mailing list over to Telegram, so subscribers can now look forward to updates on queer events held in universities straight on their phone.

Follow Inter-University LGBT Network here: t.me/stayintouchwithiuln

3. The Bi+ Collective

The collective has started two Telegram group chats for the bisexual+ community in Singapore. The ‘+’ here means that members that do not necessarily fall into the gay and lesbian communities are welcome as well, such as asexual folk.

To join the group chat, message The Bi+ Collective on Facebook: https://www.messenger.com/t/ThebipluscollectiveSG

4. LGBT Token

A foundation is planning to launch a cryptocurrency that will help incentivise retailers to accept the LGBT Token as a form of currency and ensure safer and inclusive spaces for LGBTQs who wish to purchase at these retailers.

While they are not Singapore-based, the concept was brought to Singapore earlier this year so we are excited to see how this helps to transform Singapore’s retail economy to be more LGBTQ-inclusive.

Follow them on Telegram here: t.me/lgbt_token

5. QTown

QTown is an umbrella group of LGBTQIA+ affirming and feminist interest groups in National University of Singapore (NUS) and Yale-NUS. They regularly post events that are open to NUS and Yale-NUS but also allow some of these events to be accessed by students from other campuses as well.

Follow them here: t.me/qtownnus

Know of another Telegram channel or group we should list here? Drop us a note on Messenger: m.me/proutapp

Back Prout on Indiegogo and help us build a platform where LGBTQ+ people are connected through mutual interests, minus the sleaze, and find support through networks and community groups. Back us here: bit.ly/proutfundraiser

