2018 : The Year of an Unraveling

Prov Writers
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2018

by Jesse Eldredge

As I think about goal setting in 2018 and every thing that comes with the season of New Year’s, I find that a few major themes are on my mind. This last year was a good one, no doubt. But, looking back on 2017 leaves me wanting more —

more creating.

better, deeper relationships.

trying new things.

more collaboration.

more giving back.

Often times I feel like we look back on a year and there are lingering feelings of disappointment; unmet expectations, feelings of letting ourselves down. Maybe we didn’t accomplish what we set out to do, maybe things just didn’t click the way we’d hope they would.

I think it’s important for us to understand and to acknowledge the fact that this is fine. It’s not a big deal. It happens to a lot of people, dare I say most. Its one thing to acknowledge its existence, but its a whole other thing to let it keep us down or harbor feeling like we got nothing done. I think it’s part of trusting the timing of your journey, being patient with the way and the pace that the life that you’ve been given is unraveling before you.

So what’s in store for 2018?

Recently, I’ve been surrounded by a ton of creative energy and ideas, and I really like that atmosphere. As an artist, the pressure to put out work and make good art is often a stifling struggle. Who has time to sit down and write at will? Who has time to casually grab a camera, take an adventure, and snap some amazing shots.

We’re busy.

We have other things that demands our immediate attention. Work, family, friends — life moves faster and faster each day. So there’s this constant struggle to keep all the plates spinning at once. Perform in your job, love you family well, spend time with friends and, “oh wait there’s more”… make creativity, expression and art, a priority.

I want 2018 to be a year full of creating.

Full of making.

Full of doing.

I want to try new things that I’ve never done before. I want to continue to pursue film and photography and improve those skills. I want to get back to writing and blogging. I want to try out YouTube and vlogging. I want to pursue some ideas that I have with music. Maybe a podcast featuring local artists of all kinds.

I want 2018 to be full of collaboration.

Some of the moments when I’ve felt most fulfilled have been when I’m working with other people to accomplish a certain creative mission.

There’s something special about getting creatives together and calling out their unique gifts and ideas; taking projects to levels that would otherwise be impossible to achieve on one’s own. I’d love to see local musicians team up with photographers and film makers, painters with writers and dancers. Not putting a certain genre or talent into a box, but combining the genius and the input of all into a single piece of art.

To all the artists out there, artists of all kinds- this world needs us. Let’s work together to give this world the art that it craves.

Let’s express ourselves.

Let’s push ourselves and each other.

To make more.

To dream bigger dreams.

To go for it.

None of this is possible without people coming together — herein lies the next big theme for 2018. People. Relationship. Investing into others.

I want to be very intentional about who I spend my time with this year. Certain people bring out certain things in you when you are around them. If you spend the day with a bunch of musicians, you’ll probably feel passionate and excited about music. If you hang out with a bunch of entrepreneurs, you’ll feel inspired and brave. You pick up on certain vibes that people give off. I want to make sure that I’m spending most of my time around people that call out the best in me. I want to spend time with people who accept me for who I am, not just what I can do — and love me for it, flaws and all.

Depth. How often do we truly get to know the people in our lives? We tell ourselves we’re too busy to ever go deep and truly get to know who someone is and what they stand for. We float around on the shallow surface, small talking our way through daily interactions. I think another big part of it is our unwillingness to be vulnerable with people. We don’t want to shed light on any weaknesses or struggles that we’re dealing with. Which leads us to being closed off and isolated. Its a vicious cycle of hiding and misrepresenting and misunderstanding.

Ironically (or not so ironically), when I find people that I can be vulnerable with, that’s when good things start to happen. Those people who listen are the same people that bring out my creativity and encourage me to do more of what I love. I naturally feel inspired around them. I can’t help it. It’s a very special thing that happens. And wow, I am so thankful for it.

In 2018 I want to be vulnerable.

— I want to spread positivity into every room I enter.

— I want to foster collaboration everywhere I go with every person that I meet.

— I want to call out the best in every individual and help them discover how much potential they have, not because I have some special powers, but because they see God’s love through me.

— I want to inspire the youth to chase their dreams and pursue their gifts.

— I want people to know that they ARE talented and they CAN make a difference; that they have a significant part to play in this world.

Let’s make 2018 one to remember. Full of impact. Full of meaning. Full of stronger friendships. Full of new adventures and experiences.

Things are happening. Things are beginning to unravel. I want to let God take the wheel and see where He leads me this year, and I want to encourage you to do the same. I think everyone should write one of these and share it.

What do you want this year to look like? Maybe thing about big, general themes, ideas, goals.

What do you want to see in 2018? Writing it down and visualizing it is the first step.

To my creatives out there- let’s do something big, something unheard of. I’m looking forward to this journey. I’m feeling very blessed and excited.

Let’s go for it. No holding back. No fear. Let’s put ourselves out there.

Catch the vibe. Its contagious. ❤



Prov Writers

A collaborative community for aspiring writers of faith to share work and creatively proclaim Gospel truth.