Meditations on Glory

Prov Writers
Published in
1 min readDec 7, 2017

by Sarah Parkins

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I am the shepherd
I have felt his fear
When Jesus comes into my darkness
All of my sin becomes clear

My heart longs deeply for Him
Yet I inch back with timidity
Who am I to conclude a truth based on how I feel
His glory surpasses any knowledges I could obtain

So I turn to one, two, three drinks
Still He gives me one, two, three graces
I spiral to an upside down world
As my grace-seeing vision becomes fuzzy

One, two, three drinks
One, two, three graces
A drunken night turns into mornings confusion and conviction
But there is no condemnation for me that is so deserving

One, two, three drinks
One, two three graces
What did I ever do to deserve
The space to testify in the darkest of places

Five fifteen comes quickly and brutally
A startle replaced by a soft, sweet Aroma
Flesh as Word as Word became Flesh
Time spent in meditation, recovers hindered love

As time goes on
Those desires decrease
And the glory seems brighter
For fear in the shepherd didn’t stop the light from coming



Prov Writers

A collaborative community for aspiring writers of faith to share work and creatively proclaim Gospel truth.