Creating a ProvenDB service

Guy Harrison
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2019

ProvenDB is a Blockchain service that integrates MongoDB Atlas with the Bitcoin Blockchain. Using ProvenDB you can develop MongoDB applications that leverage the Blockchain to provide proofs of data integrity and immutable versions of database documents.

Setting up a ProvenDB service is very easy — you should be up and going within five minutes. Let’s take a look at the process:

Visit and create an account. You can create an account using Google, Facebook, GitHub or by providing a username/password combination.

ProvenDB signup screen.

Once you create an account you will be taken directly to the “Create Service” screen:

Create a service.

Here, you can select the type of service you want (right now we are only offering 1 GB early adopter accounts) and provide a service name, username and password.

The service name must be unique across all ProvenDB accounts. The username and password can be anything you wish, providing it meets MongoDB password criteria. Make sure you remember your username and password as you will need them later on. We do not store username or passwords, so it’s very important that you take note of them. Remember, this is the username and password used to connect to your ProvenDB database service: it is not the same as the username and password you use to connect to the ProvenDB website.

Specify username/password.

Once you click “Create Service” from this screen, we will start to create your ProvenDB service. It typically takes less than five minutes for the service to be created. When the service is created you will see the little green tick symbol and the word “Running ” beside your service. Your service is now ready for you to connect.

To connect to the service simply use the URI string provided with any MongoDB client. For instance, in the example above I specified my username as “tutorial” and used “tutorial” as my password (okay, not the best username/password combination of all time). So I can now connect from the Mongo shell by replacing $USERNAME and $PASSWORD with “tutorial”:

That’s all it takes! My ProvenDB service is ready to go. I can use all the traditional MongoDB commands as well as the additional ProvenDB commands that implement database versioning and Blockchain proofs.

There are tutorials, getting started guides and detailed reference materials available at My next blog post will provide a getting started guide for MongoDB developers.

We are offering free 1 GB early adopter ProvenDB accounts at Please check it out and let us know what you think.

If you have thoughts, feedback or suggestions (either for this article or for ProvenDB) please leave a comment below, engage us on facebook, twitter or email us at we’d love to hear from you!

ProvenDB integrates MongoDB with the Bitcoin Blockchain. Immutable versions of database state are anchored to the Blockchain, delivering an unparalleled level of data integrity. ProvenDB allows MongoDB developers to build high-performance applications that include cryptographic proof of data integrity and provenance without having to understand blockchain programming complexities.

Sign up for a free account at



Guy Harrison

CTO at Author of many books on database technology. Hopeless old geek.