Video Authenticity Is A Real Issue
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2017

Blockchain technology claims to solve it

There should be a simple way to guarantee video materials originality, integrity, and authenticity.

In an honest world this wouldn’t even be an issue, but in the current environment were the technology required to alter a video recording is at anyone’s disposal the doubt is raising.

Social media and streaming platforms made the video materials distribution and, at the same time, consumption an everyday task for most of us. Today, video takes as much as 74% of the total online traffic. It’s safe to say that you’re getting most of your information through dynamic images, text, and sound.

  • There are millions of fake news articles published each week.
  • There are thousands of scripted videos distributed as real footage.
  • There are hundreds of modified recordings reported as raw content.

How can you trust a video source anymore?

And the real problem isn’t the 20 seconds video of your dancing cat. Think about the events and facts of commercial and legal value. Having a basis for services like car insurance, medication tracking, or legal status can turn around the way you’re using digital video recordings.

How can we achieve this level of trust?

The current solutions of:

  • Using watermarks or logos on the video screen,
  • Relying on the reporting system of the distribution channel,
  • Or handing your content to a platform’s content solutions (“only on Youtube”), proved to be ineffective in legal and financial matters. So what’s left?

Using blockchain technology for protecting copyright guaranteeing the content originality, integrity, and authenticity — Technology of Authenticity
Verification of Video Material

This is PROVER, bringing the technology that will allow ANYONE to create content at a specific time and place, from the camera of a particular device ensuring that there are no signs of forgery and editing.

PROVER aims to become an everyday tool, extending the capabilities in many domains by increasing the trust of their evidences.

  • Allowing car insurance companies avoid paying for fraudulent compensations of pre-damaged cars or fake accidents.
  • Give clinics a new way to remotely confirm patients usage of prescribed medication.
  • Improve public order protection by introducing impartially video evidence of of crime or offense.

In this way, they’re having the opportunity to 100% guarantee the authenticity of the created video file as simple as opening an app on their smartphone.

PROVER provides a simple to use system that confirms that:

  • Video footage is produced by a real video camera integrated into the mobile device
  • The video material is complete, unedited, without gluing or insertions
  • The record was made in a certain period of time

Finally, an objective and independent service for verification of video content!

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Will this be the gateway to proven authenticity? PROVER thinks so!


Editor for

Giving content creators an objective and independent way to confirm the authenticity of their video materials using blockchain technology.