Why do you need Teams template?

Peter Baddeley
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2022

Microsoft makes several Team templates available. Available templates include managing an event or onboarding employees. These templates are good examples but far too simplistic for everyday use. In two previous posts, we considered some of the common items people include in templates for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Sites.

Teams Templates

For Teams, we see common trends to include a structure of Channels and Apps. For Sites, it is Lists, Libraries, Folders and Web Parts that are included. The use of Planner plans is also a common requirement, for both Sites and Teams. However, what should you include in your template? That really depends on why you need a Teams template?

What is a Template

What exactly is a template? “Something that is used as a pattern for producing other similar things.” In the case of a Team or Site, this means a template allows you to create multiple in exactly the same. We do this because we want to ensure information is stored in a consistent manner. Projects are perhaps the most common example of how templates are used to create Sites and Teams consistently. This may be to ensure files are stored in a common structure, or tasks managed effectively in a plan. There are also other potential use cases for templates, including marketing campaigns, product development and supplier management.

Consistency in Microsoft Teams

One of the frequent reasons for consistency is to help ensure regulatory compliance. It might be to help comply with processes defined in ISO27001. Equally, we also see that certain sectors have industry-specific regulations that consistently helps with compliance. A good example of this is construction or engineering, where they need to ensure documents are filed and secured in a specific pattern.

Consistency also helps with the user experience. Users will find it easier to file documents correctly if the structure is the same between the multiple Teams they are working in. It is also easier to build effective search experiences. Content that is consistently filed can be consistently classified, which makes the search easier. This content can also be easily summarised. A good example is a list of user tasks across multiple projects.

At ProvisionPoint we aim to help with user empowerment. We want to enable users to easily create Sites and Teams themselves. By using templates they are able to create the Site or Team they need for the management of their project, campaign or supplier. This reduces delays and the overhead on IT.

[This post originally appeared at https://www.provisionpoint.com/blog/teams-templates-what-to-include/]



Peter Baddeley

Product Manager and Consultant working with Office 365 and Dynamics 365. Founder of @provisionpoint and @qaixen. Organiser of #SPSLondon.