3 Reasons to Share YOUR David vs. Goliath Story

Scott Mills
The Prowly Journal
6 min readJun 28, 2016


Fair warning: this is going to hurt (especially if you’re English).

Iceland just pulled off one of the great upsets in international football (soccer). Their radio announcer has become rather famous for his vocal histrionics.

The video below is audio of him absolutely losing his mind during the final minute of Iceland vs. England…ie, David vs. Goliath.

If you choose to listen to this, it’s going to sound like the drowning of a thousand cats. You’ve been warned.

Losing his ever-lovin’ mind.

But to be fair to Gudmundur Benediktsson, Iceland’s radio commentator, Iceland had just beaten England at the game England invented.

Context for non-soccer aficionados:

Iceland is NOT an international soccer (football) powerhouse. In fact, Euro 2016 is the very FIRST international tournament they’ve even qualified for.

More, they only have a population of 330,000. That’s roughly the size of Nottingham (including that infamous Sheriff).

England, population 53 million, THINKS of itself as an international football

England: epi-center of “football” world

(soccer) powerhouse — and well they should. They have like a gazillion professional soccer clubs. What’s more, England’s Premier League is widely regarded as the most competitive professional league in the world.

However, England’s national team hasn’t won an international tournament in over 50 years.

Iceland has already accomplished more in their first year as a legitimate International side than England has…since forever.

Goliath: meet David.

Social media was awash with the historic upset. A few highlights:

Everyone loves the underdog, the “David” in the story — unless you’re the “Goliath.”

Why do “underdog” stories captivate us?

Perhaps it taps into our inherent distrust of “the man”, the government, and “big business.” Who hasn’t felt at some point the system is rigged against us?

What’s more, the “struggle”…is “real”…for just about everyone!

When economic times are tough or uncertain, it’s the scrappy, determined, passionate brands that resonate with struggling consumers.

That’s why listening to the Icelandic announcer give birth to kittens should put a smile on your face. It resonates with the underdog in you. (Unless you’re English. If so, sorry, mate.)

This got me thinking about why and how you and I as entrepreneurs and business owners can better use the underdog narrative in the stories we share with our audiences. Something smart people call “brand biographies.”

Let’s start with storytelling.

Savvy business owners understand that storytelling is perhaps the most effective way to build an audience crazy about your brand.

Why? Three reasons to start:

1. Our brains are hard-wired to see stories as a gift. Stories are entertainment. Lists of “Features and benefits” get lost in noise of “blah, blah, blah…someone’s selling me something.”

The brain is hardwired for stories.

Stories cut through skeptical defenses.

After all, no one goes to the movies to watch 90 minutes of “features and benefits” — we go to be taken on a journey only stories can give us.

Thus, smart businesses, whether you’re a solopreneur, or an enterprise-level brand, tell stories.

2. Stories trigger emotions. Your audience will buy your stuff based on how you make them feel…not necessarily based on how “awesome” you say your product is.

Stories will make your customer FEEL something. And if you trigger the right emotion, then pair it with a strong offer, people are far more likely to buy your product.

This storytelling “trick” makes the same everyday stuff worth 28X as much.

3. Stories, especially “David vs. Goliath” in this instance, trigger the “mirror neuron effect.” This is when your audience sees itself in YOU.

They see you as an ally in their fight against THEIR Goliath. You can’t watch Iceland’s final moment of victory and not relate to the underdog winning against incredible odds. Again, unless you’re English.

Storytelling works.

Sooooo….how are you using your David and Goliath narrative to represent your brand?

If you already are, carry on, and keep making sales.

If you’re not, you should…even if you’re a “Goliath.” A bit more on that later.

Tell your audience about how you’re “Iceland” or “David” or that team from po-dunk Indiana that won in the movie “Hoosiers” or “US Hockey vs. USSR 1984.”

The story’s there. I guarantee it. You just have to find it. It’s called “positioning” in copywriter circles.

You came from an ordinary background, right? You’ve had to struggle to get where you are, right? You still have to stick it to the man, right? You still have to fight the uphill battle right?

Tell your audience about it. Unless you haven’t worked a day in your life and you’ve been given everything you’ve ever owned. But then, you probably wouldn’t be reading this, would you?

Tell your underdog story. I’m realizing I need to do this more.

1. Your audience will see your story as a gift.

2. It will trigger strong emotions.

3. And they will see themselves in you, activating the mirror neuron effect.

You’ll be showing them you’re an ally against their Goliath. And, if you have a product that provides a solution to their problems, they’ll be more likely to buy YOUR product.

You’ll be helping them achieve their own victory against the Goliath's they face.

But…what if you’ve become the Goliath? What if you now dominate your niche? What if you’re the big kahuna?

Can you still pitch yourself as David?…and do it honestly?

Yes, and here’s how.

Position your brand as having come from humble beginnings. You didn’t get where you are now because someone just gave it to you!

You had to fight for it.

Keep reminding your audience you were once David.

Who are the Goliath’s that have done this successfully?

Apple, HP, Google, and Starbucks have all consistently emphasized their humble beginnings…when they were the fledgling underdog.

It’s noisy and competitive in your marketplace.

I know. Understatement of the year.

But if you want to breakthrough the “features and benefits” noise, utilize the power of storytelling in your messaging.

Sprinkle in your David & Goliath story — how, through being scrappy, passionate, and determined, you overcame the odds to help the world with your product.

Do so, and you’ll resonate more with your audience than you know.

They need to know there’s hope David can conquer Goliath, that Iceland can beat England on the pitch.

Keep overcoming the odds, keep telling your audience about it, and eventually, you’ll likely find a passionate Gudmundur Benediktsson to sing your praise.

Coming up next: How to write your own David vs. Goliath story so you can share it with your audience.

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