A new milestone

Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2020
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

For the last months, we have been silent as something have been changing in the background. I’m not talking about a version 2.0 of Proxeus.

We want to let you know what is happening. Proxeus has developed a tremendous document workflow engine back by the blockchain. It allows to easily create complex processes to simplify the work of its user and also uses the blockchain efficiently to tamper-proof produced documents. That way, legal paper can be processed and followed along its life cycle.

The engine showed its versatility in behind uses to create university certificates or car sell certificate. But also more complex workflows like the one used by the Industry of Commerce of Zug. As new uses cases come, we will demonstrate them as much as possible.

So, what is happening? As the French say “Le Roi est mort, Vive le Roi” (the King is dead, long live the King). After three years following its successful mission, the Proxeus team gave power to the new Proxeus association.

The Proxeus Association is the governing body responsible for the maintenance and development of the Proxeus software. We also aim to encourage innovation and evangelize the project by launching and supporting community initiatives, as well as creating synergies and partnerships with relevant community projects.

The Proxeus Association is working to give the project a decentralized structure (DAO) to allow our members to propose guidance on the software. We want to help democratize the development of blockchain applications by making Proxeus a part of the no-code ecosystem.

What now?

The workflow engine is now open source and available on Github. Anyone can download it, use it and even monetize it. If you happened to fork or try the code, please let us know your use cases (email below)

As the association starts, we want first to reinforce our communication and better know our community. We want to be community-focused. In the coming weeks, we will open new communication channels, and we see a lot of opportunities for developers and businesses to gather and work together.

What the association is and is not.

The association is not a development team. We are not mandated to continue the development of the workflow engine. But we are here to support developers building bridges between Proxeus and 3rd party tools like ERP, CRM for example, and businesses installing the engine in their network and help them rethink their processes.

Find more on our brand new website: https://proxeus.org

Contact us by email: association@proxeus.org

Contact us on Twitter: proxeusapp




Proxeus is the WordPress for blockchain — making blockchain accessible by simplifying the creation of document-centered blockchain applications. www.proxeus.com