Test the beta and win!

Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2018

Want your invitation to come to the dance? Tango, our second beta release — and first beta DAPP — opens for preaccess on Monday and we’re running a little giveaway to celebrate the milestone!

For the first time, we’re offering the beta in multiple languages — English, Japanese, Chinese and Russian, and we’re opening our Chinese website and outreach at the same time. Each language will have its own instance of the DApp, and its own notification list. We’ll be giving away XES to lucky subscribers to those lists, and the more subscribers? The more we give away!

For each language, we will be giving out XES prizes to some lucky subscribers — subscriber numbers 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 will receive 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 XES respectively. Be subscriber # 250, win 250 XES, and so on up to # 1000!

Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

We will also be running a lucky draw giveaway for beta participants — but to learn how to participate in this one, you’ll have to download and use the DApp. The registration and participation form will be waiting in your share folder.

Sign up for the preaccess here in English, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese, and watch our telegram channel to see how the count is growing — we’ll be updating it with the current subscription status daily!

Contest closes 03.09.18, so don’t delay!




Proxeus is the WordPress for blockchain — making blockchain accessible by simplifying the creation of document-centered blockchain applications. www.proxeus.com