Official Statement | Special Reminder to the Community

Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2020

Thanks for all the attention drawn to our project lately. As you may know, the auction participation enthusiasm is too high so that the system got overcrowded. Yet the auction has went over well.

We apologize for the community disorder caused by FUDs and SCAMs for the last a couple hours due to a lack of community management labor force and too much community involvement. We are on track to bring onboard more community managers and tools to optimize the community experience. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

The team used a specific address to host the CREDIT Token Auction on Mesa platform yesterday. After the auction, for the sake of fund security, the team moved funds from the auction address to Binance exchange for custody. All funds raised in the auction will be used to support project development and operations.

We thank our community for the support and trust bestowed upon us. $CREDIT listing on centralized exchange will be coming next week. Please bear with us. Thank you!


PROXI is DeFi 2.0 for Cross Chain Derivative Issuance and Credit Lending. PROXI provides the smartest way to invest derivative assets and earn interests with credit-based high leverage tools through the decentralized secure protocol.

The mission of PROXI is to build a one-stop platform for cross-chain multi-asset collateral service, Credit-based lending, derivative issuance, trading and asset management in the DeFi area, providing users with revolutionary, decentralized, and risk-minimized financial products.

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DeFi 2.0: Cross-chain Derivative Issuance & Credit Lending