PROXI DeFi and Ankr strike up Strategic Partnership

Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2020

We are proud to announce that we have partnered with Ankr, a provider of a one-click node-deployment solution and a shared cloud economy driven by idle processing power. This collaboration will enable PROXI users to deploy their own nodes in minutes with Ankr’s secure and simple solution, guaranteeing secure and reliable encryption without sacrificing the key features of decentralization while improving the use experience of the whole network.

Ankr’s node infrastructure will bring additional benefits to PROXI, such as decentralizing several of their future builds including moving their on-chain Ethereum validation nodes to Ankr and the roll out of one-click node deployment in a future release of the staking campaign, to provide users incentives for locking their token holdings.


PROXI is DeFi 2.0 for Cross-Chain Derivative Issuance and Credit Lending. PROXI provides the smartest way to invest derivative assets and earn interests with credit-based high leverage tools through the decentralized secure protocol.

Investments made on the PROXI platform can be managed using a simple, user-friendly Portfolio Dashboard in real-time. Lenders and borrowers can be connected anytime. PROXI also allows access to geo-blocked markets, further enhancing accessibility.

The mission of PROXI is to build a one-stop platform for cross-chain multi-asset collateral service, Credit-based lending, derivative issuance, trading, and asset management in the DeFi area, providing users with revolutionary, decentralized, and risk-minimized financial products.

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About ANKR

Ankr provides a management platform for cloud computing resources, building an ecosystem of resource demanders, resource providers, application developers, consumers, and more. Ankr aims to provide a pragmatic business solution, where node operators can utilize idle cloud resources from high-specification data centers to run a variety of services, such as running blockchain nodes, while data center owners monetize their idle resources through the Ankr cloud platform.

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DeFi 2.0: Cross-chain Derivative Issuance & Credit Lending