Testing is Believing

When one farmer’s openness set the trend

Proximity Designs
Proximity Field Notes
3 min readNov 10, 2016


U Than Htike lives with his wife and four children in by his 3.5-acre field in Kyaiklat Township in Southern Myanmar

Eight years ago, U Than Htike was the first in his village to put a Proximity treadle pump to test. At the time, water was a scarce resource in his hometown War Yone Chaung in the Ayeyarwady Delta. There was one poorly constructed well in town, but the distance between the well and U Than Htike’s field made it a daunting task to carry water everyday between the two locations. Meanwhile, the wide opening of the well posed a safety hazard, particularly to children.

Facing a pressing need for solutions, U Than Htike was initially skeptical. He was hesitant to adopt new farming technology that he wasn’t familiar with or believed in, until the local Proximity sales representative let him test run a pump in his own home. Trying out the treadle pump in person slowly helped ease his concerns.

He discovered the portability of the pump, which he could easily carry and assemble at any location. The pump filled up an entire bucket in seconds, and only required a stepping motion, freeing his arms and shoulders from taxing labor.

Always on the lookout for improvement, U Than Htike says he has tried out other pumps over the years, but found them far less effective than the treadle pump. The pump saved the family energy and labor and made it possible for him to farm his 3.5-acre plot without the help of his children. His oldest son, now in 10th grade, can focus on his studies and the upcoming college entrance exam. Meanwhile his wife can take care of the youngest, a two-year- old girl.

Priced at Us$36, the pump was a sizeable investment for U Than Htike. Knowing this, the sales rep put him in touch with Proximity Finance, our rural financial service. With a loan from Proximity Finance, U Than Htike was able to dig a well near his field and install a pump in his backyard. His personal experience soon became a model for the rest of his community.

U Than Htike lives with his wife and four children by his 3.5-acre field in Kyaiklat Township.

Now, eight years since U Than Htike purchased his first product from Proximity, almost every household in War Yone Chaung owns a treadle pump. U Than Htike has expanded his own collection from one pump to four: three for farming and one for household use. He recently purchased the drip system, which helps him enhance the water usage efficiency.

U Than Htike’s commitment to quality and learning the products he adopts has not changed during this process. Now serving as our agent in the region, U Than Htike still insists on trying out every product before promoting it to his fellow villagers. He takes pride in understanding the technology and its impact. His knowledge and experience often serve as a good testimony for others.

U Than Htike recently finished building a three-foot-tall bamboo structure for Proximity’s water storage tank, which he plans on purchasing next season. In addition, he hopes to keep farming, expand his business and send his children to college, starting with his oldest son next year.

Proximity Designs is an award-winning, farmer-focused social enterprise based in Yangon, Myanmar. http://proximitydesigns.org



Proximity Designs
Proximity Field Notes

We design products and services that help rural Myanmar families achieve their goals. http://proximitydesigns.org