Benefits of Exercise

The Pulse
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2020

Jahangeer Aslam

Exercise is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to get in shape, stay fit, and stay healthy over the course of your life. One of the greatest reasons why exercise is of great benefit to your health is that it can be performed by anyone. It does not matter if you are 6 or 60, you can still exercise. For instance, you can workout in your home or a park, and whenever, such as when you wake up or in the afternoon. The options for training are infinite. You are free to follow your own schedule, and all the more, not even obligated to go to the gym. Furthermore, getting physical activity can be done in many different forms. Organized sports, going to the gym, going for a walk in the afternoon, and doing yoga in your living room counts as exercising. No matter the time of day, the situation you are in, or what your preferences are, there’s always something you can do.

Weight management is another major benefit you can gain from exercising. It doesn’t matter if you are overweight or lean, exercise will help you manage your weight and achieve your goals. If you follow the simple principle of burning more calories than you consume, any form of physical activity will allow you to lose weight and make sure you do not gain it back, maintaining your current weight. The second weight management method requires more intensive or longer periods of exercise. This can be done by doubling the sets and reps of your workouts, or conducting high intensity interval training, which is a short period of high intensity activity with minimal recovery time. Another benefit of exercise is that it reduces your chances of diseases and health risks. This can be seen in one of the leading causes of obesity — diabetes.

Consistent exercise will help prevent type 2 diabetes or obesity from occurring and reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases from occurring. Exercising will lower your weight, but it will also lower your cholesterol levels and blood sugar, all of which improves the cardiovascular system. Moreover, exercise will increase the strength of muscles assisting the cardiovascular system and can prevent metabolic syndromes from developing. This is because your body fat, blood sugar, blood pressure, and more, will lower; all of which lessens the chances of metabolic syndrome occurring. Exercise lowers the chances of certain cancers from occurring such as bladder, kidney, lung, stomach, and colon cancers; and can also help cancer survivors feel better and get back in shape.

Exercise also has the added benefit of strengthening your bones. Different forms of weight training or calisthenics will increase and help maintain muscle mass. Consistently exercising will lower bone density loss as you age, which makes them stronger when you get to your senior years of life. Getting physical activity can increase your lifespan by preventing diseases from occurring and keeping your body healthy. It improves sleep by making sleep quality better and increasing the time you sleep. Lastly, consistently training your body has many benefits that aren’t related to your physical health, as it can improve the level of energy possessed, your mood, and mental health, all while reducing stress and negative emotions. Exercise has tremendous benefits for the mind and body, and there is no reason to not take advantage of this.


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