Angela Merkel prepares to accept the mantle as leader of the free world when Obama steps down. This foreign (Danish) newspaper names her as the successor to Obama as moral leader of the west.

Dear Trump Voter; You’ve Been Suckered

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
American Presidential Aftermath
2 min readNov 18, 2016


A most terrible irony.

The votes you, the voter, cast, the Molotov cocktails (possibly mixed by Putin), the hand grenade that you threw at the establishment?

You left the pin inside.

Dow Jones reaches new historic high for three days in a row: 18,934.

The champions of business are circling The White House, like buzzards.

Trump has given them permission to land, as Senator Warren so correctly documents in her article.

Welcome to the White House, Mr Business-As-Usual.

Wall Street is in its seventh heaven; money is gushing into their coffers.

Trump OWNS real estate on Wall Street.

Did you really believe that Trump would do ANYTHING that might interrupt his glorious torrent of revenue?

Did you really believe that he would risk upsetting his lucrative tenants?

Now trophy wives can add more $10,000 purses to their collection while working Americans struggle to make ends meet.

Dear Trump voter, you’ve been suckered.

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