Request for Proposal: Prysm External Security Assessment

Preston Van Loon
Prysmatic Labs
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2020

Thank you to our friends at Sigma Prime for allowing us to use their RFP structure and much of the content in this document. We owe you guys a round of beers! 🍺


Prysmatic Labs is an independent team of blockchain engineers with a strong background and passion for scaling distributed systems. Founded in 2018, Prysmatic Labs has been one of the leading implementation teams in Ethereum 2.0 client development.

As Ethereum 2.0 nears a main network launch later this year, Prysmatic Labs is seeking an external security review to assess the security of its open source client software, Prysm.

Project Description

The Prysm project is a Go implementation of the Ethereum Serenity protocol as detailed in the official specification. It contains a full beacon node implementation as well as a validator client for participating in blockchain consensus. Prysm utilizes best-in-class tools for production servers and interprocess communication, using Google’s gRPC library, BoltDB as an optimized, persistent, key-value store, and libp2p by Protocol Labs for all peer-to-peer networking.

Prysm’s code base is contained in a github repository using a mono-repo style to host most of the first party source code with some first party code written into standalone repositories and many external third party libraries. Prysm uses a build tool called Bazel, similar to Make, which is used to compile Prysm binaries and their dependencies.

This sounds serious! (It is)

Security Assessment Scope

The scope of this security engagement includes the review of the following Prysm components:

Core Beacon Node logic

  • State transition logic
  • Fork choice logic
  • Attestation processing and production
  • Block processing and production
  • Signature verification
  • Epoch finalization and justification
  • Eth1 data processing
  • Caching logic

Core Validator Client logic

  • Block/attestation signing
  • Slashing prevention mechanisms

Networking Layer (leveraging the libp2p framework)

  • Discovery protocol (discv5)
  • Publish/subscribe protocol (gossipsub)
  • Ethereum 2.0 Request/response protocol


  • Including requests via gRPC transcoding (grpc gateway)

Serialization & deserialization

  • SSZ
  • HashTreeRoot

Client database (boltDB) configuration

Accounts management & key storage

Client synchronization

  • Initial sync from genesis
  • Resync
  • Regular sync

Command line interface

Core slasher logic

  • Data storage
  • Slashing detection logic (attestation processing & block processing)
  • Slashing protection logic

The assessment will focus on identifying vulnerabilities that can lead to the following (non-exhaustive list):

Denial-of-service conditions

Remote code execution

Data integrity loss

Underflows and overflows

Consensus splits

Operations pool halt

Unspecified/unexpected client behaviour

Prysmatic Labs is particularly interested in assessing:

Operational threats

  • Docker deployment
  • ./ start script

Potential security pitfalls in client side interaction and configuration

Data flows

  • Data to/from external sources
  • Data to/from internal sources

Control flow integrity

Potential current exploitable active vulnerabilities

Potential security gaps in user interaction

Security assumptions, potential future weaknesses in design and implementation

Strength of existing security controls and potential improvements that could be made

A high-level security review of Prysm dependencies

The selected vendor will be provided with a specific Git commit hash for Prysm at the start of the engagement, which will be the target of the assessment.


The chosen vendor shall provide a security assessment report, in a PDF format, comprised of the following sections:

Executive summary, including

  • An overview of the testing performed (methodology and approach).
  • A statement describing the overall security posture of the Prysm software.
  • A summary of the vulnerabilities identified, with their related severity.

For each vulnerability, detailed information containing:

Vulnerability description

  • Likelihood of exploitation
  • Impact qualification
  • Overall vulnerability severity

Recommended mitigative action

  • Detailed actions to perform to mitigate the vulnerability.
  • Recommendation complexity analysis
  • Reproducible/automatable verification of mitigation, where applicable

Appendix explaining the vulnerability severity classification model applied to the security review.

Appendix listing the toolset (open source and proprietary) used during the engagement.

After submitting the security assessment report, Prysmatic Labs will make any amendments required to the relevant codebases in order to mitigate the vulnerabilities identified throughout the security review. The vendor will then perform a retesting of the vulnerabilities to ensure that the fixes introduced effectively address the issues identified, and will amend the security assessment report accordingly (i.e. marking said vulnerabilities as resolved or acknowledged).

Indemnification & Fee Structure

The chosen vendor will be expected to submit three invoices:

  • A first invoice of 20% of the total engagement fee at the start of the engagement.
  • A second invoice of 60% of the total engagement fee at the delivery of the security assessment report.
  • A third and final invoice of 20% of the total engagement fee after the retesting activities are completed and the updated, final security assessment report is delivered.

The vendor will be given the option to be paid via bank/wire transfer or in the following cryptocurrencies.

  • Ether (ETH)
  • Dai (DAI)

Ether will be valued in Fiat Money at 6pm UTC on the due date for payment as described at USD based stable coins will be valued at $1.00 per token.

Selection Criteria

The vendor selected by Prysmatic Labs will have significant expertise in the areas necessary to meet the needs and requirements set forth in this Request. Particularly:

  • Experience with reviewing software written in the Go programming language;
  • Experience with reviewing large codebases;
  • Experience with advanced cryptographic primitives such as BLS signatures;
  • Experience with distributed systems and Blockchain technology.

Additional information, such as engagement team CVs and third party references, may be requested by Prysmatic Labs.

Engagement Timeline

This security assessment engagement is expected to be delivered following the timeline outlined below:

Week 1

  • Preliminary kick-off meeting with the Prysm development team
  • Start of the security assessment

Week 4

  • Delivery of the first security assessment report
  • Prysmatic Labs begins remediation

1 Week After Remediation is Complete

  • Retesting of actions taken to mitigate raised

2 Weeks After Remediation is Complete

  • Delivery of the updated, final security assessment report

The expected start of this engagement is in Q2 2020.

2020/04/07: The timeline was updated to reflect an unknown remediation period rather than a rigid 1 week timeline.

Bidding Instructions

Upon reception of this Request for Proposal, vendors are expected to confirm receipt and intention to bid on this engagement.

Proposals must be returned by April 17, 2020 00:00 UTC.

Proposals must be sent in PDF format to the following email address: The proposal may be encrypted using the public keys listed in Prysmatic Labs’ security.txt.

Vendors can request more information via email ( Pre-bid meetings with vendors are welcomed, if necessary.


Prysmatic Labs is a software development company and we understand the importance of security in mission critical software. We are looking for a sustainable relationship with a security reviewer who will be involved in the Prysm development process as often as necessary. With the launch of Ethereum 2.0 being spread between several phases, we expect the need for at least two additional security reviews targeting the Prysm codebase (Phase 1 & 2), along with the review of other auxiliary components.

Prysmatic Labs is happy to answer any questions bidders may have. Bidders should feel free to send any queries/questions to the following email address:

