How to Be a Delightfully Submissive and Breedable Woman

Without the need for a lobotomy

Katie Jgln
P.S. I Hate You


Photo by deagreez from Adobe Stock

A man recently told me that women were much happier in the 1950s. You know, before it was socially acceptable for us to have crazy things — like our own bank account, career, bodily autonomy, or… free will.

And he isn’t wrong.

Because who are we kidding?

Our weak female brains can’t fully grasp the intricacies of life the way male brains do. This has been common knowledge since the 18th century. And if something has been around for that long, it must mean it’s true.

We’d all be better off if we reverted to the good old days when women were stay-at-home breeding machines, and men sometimes came home to yell at us. Lovely times.

But how can we unlearn all these silly female empowerment crap and become breedable, submissive specimens once again? Unlucky for us, lobotomy is no longer an option.

Don’t you worry, though. I got you.

Below you will find advice and tips on channeling your inner Stepford Wife and allowing your man to walk all over you.

And oh boy, will he be thankful to you for that!

Men know better. Always

