I Wrote Something on the Internet and Someone Disagreed with Me

It was more than one person and what happened was awesome

Zara Everly
P.S. I Hate You


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

This person disagreed and presented their point of view thoughtfully and articulately. Better yet, they were civil and respectful, even though they did not agree with me.

Occasionally, people do that.

In presenting their point of view, they didn’t feel the need to imply that I was stupid or ignorant, or uneducated because I had a different opinion.

Crazy, right? Amazing, right?

One person got a little close to being rude. I could sense that he might be bordering on it, but he didn’t quite go that far. There was a clear miscommunication going on between us.

So, he walked away from the conversation.

Another crazy thing: sometimes you just will not get another person to agree with you or understand your point. Guess what? It is ok! We all lived!

We don’t have to disagree. I can have my point of view and you can have yours. We will all live. The earth will continue to orbit and rotate. The sun will rise. All of that jazz.


Of course, one person was not able to do this. There is always at least one, right?



Zara Everly
P.S. I Hate You

Writing and research information professional. Bibliophile. Forever English major. Literary harlot.