My Mother is Why Women Deserve a Choice

But conservatives would rather see women suffer

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
P.S. I Hate You


Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash

Conservatives don’t give a shit about babies other than their own. For conservatives, abortion isn’t about saving babies, it’s about punishing women for sexual freedom.

If stopping abortion was about babies, children would have universal access to health care. Babies would be protected from gun violence and not Kinder Eggs. Mothers would get extended maternity leave to nurture their children. Daycare would be subsidized.

Conservatives will tell you these things are the parent’s responsibility, and not the state’s. They will say that if you can make the choice to have sex, then you can live with the consequences. This despite the fact we know teens have difficulty exercising judgment — so much so that we limit their right to drive, vote, and drink.

Conservatives will ask each other what better form of sex education for teen girls than seeing a girl stuck with a child for life? They’ll tell themselves their daughters will think twice about sex now.

I can hear them congratulating themselves.

What conservatives will never say is where they took their daughters to get abortions because abstinence and anti-abortion legislation don’t prevent unwanted pregnancies.

