Red Flags That I Ignored

We all learn…eventually

Zara Everly
P.S. I Hate You


Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

A half hour before your first date, he cancels because his best friend invited him to the movies.

He tells you that he had a child with another woman and hid this from his wife for over a year. He also tells you that it is his ex-wife’s fault that he had to knock up another woman.

He thinks that because you are in your forties, birth control is no longer an issue because well, you are too old.

Don’t you know that women over 42 can’t get pregnant?!

He mentions that his bitch of an ex-wife ran away to another country with his child eight years ago.

She was so ungrateful! He even cleaned the house sometimes!

In his second message to you, he tells you that you are divine and so amazing! This was meant to be!!!

His ex-girlfriend grabs you in the middle of a crowded club and screams, “He has herpes!”

(Ok, he didn’t but still an interesting memory).

He broke up with his last girlfriend by removing her cell number from his contacts and blocking her calls and texts.

His explanation has something to do with ripping band-aids off.



Zara Everly
P.S. I Hate You

Writing and research information professional. Bibliophile. Forever English major. Literary harlot.