The Five Most Embarrassing Naked Moments of My Life

These moments still make me blush today

P.S. I Hate You


Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Have you ever had moments that you just wished that the ground had swallowed you up? I know I have! Here are my TOP FIVE!!!!

Number Five — Topless in the Pool!

I was about sixteen years old, I was going swimming in an indoor pool, I was sitting on the side of the pool wearing a one-piece swimsuit, ready to jump in from a sitting position.

It was a large indoor public pool. It was extremely busy with lots of families with children, and teenagers, pretty much a variety of ages.

Even at sixteen, I was quite slim and tall with large breasts. As my body hit the water, the top of my swimsuit fell to my waist, I had not fastened the clasp properly, I looked down and realized that my breasts were bare, and on show for the world to see. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was in shock.

Quickly, I pulled the swimsuit up to cover my breasts and ran back to the change rooms. I was so embarrassed that my cheeks were flushed and I had tears rolling down my face.

As I fixed my swimsuit, I stood staring at myself in the mirror, pondering what I should do next.



P.S. I Hate You

I’m real, true to myself, no pretence, just trying to survive my complicated life!! Please be kind! I do hope that I entertain you with some of my stories.