The World Hates Sex

It’s everywhere and yet not allowed anywhere

Kiki Lu Johnson
P.S. I Hate You


Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

That image there of Twitter is deceptive. Pretty sure Twitter is the only real bastion for non-nude “sex workers” such as myself. Everyplace else… has or is cracking down in some way.

Erotica writers, adult video gaming, and other fringe pornography are treated with the same disdain and skepticism as kink fetishists streaming on Pornhub.

We don’t strip or sleep around* (not more than the average person, anyway), and otherwise live pretty normal lives. Instead, we like to create things that set people’s sexual imaginations on fire~ and get paid for doing so.

*I don’t look down on porn stars or performers, but society often frowns on open promiscuity. Personally, I think all sex work is fine, as long as it’s safe for everyone participating (above 18, consensual, and disease and violence-free).

If you thought that was where the condemnation ended, you’d be wrong.

Here’s The Deal:

I want to make “Let’s Play” videos featuring games with sexual themes. No, my face (or any body part, for that matter), won’t be in it. It’s just games, with sexual themes, that I intend to play and make fun of or review or whatever.

If you have trouble imagining why anyone would watch…



Kiki Lu Johnson
P.S. I Hate You

Mother, erotica/romance writer, and gamer. Loves philosophy, psychology, comedy, and of course- sex!