How Frustrating Are Video Games, Really?

Steve J
PS4 News
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2018

Video games can be a lot of fun. You can really show off your skill with a computer or console, improve your reaction times, and make a lot of friends via voice chat and multiplayer gaming. Of course there’s always a bit of negativity out there surrounding this, but overall, you can really find your favorite hobby here! But there’s a lot of people out there that just can’t get on with playing a certain game. And there’s a lot of frustration being released in reviews all around the internet for the newest games on the market.

If you’re someone who likes to sit down with your PS4 at the end of a hard day, looking to blow off some steam with your favorite games, you’re not going to run into an unbeatable level or boss fight and just feel worse! And because of that, there’s a lot of debate around how video games are too frustrating; so let’s examine the consensus to see if they really are just too hard.

A man working on a computer while wearing red laser colored headphones


There’s Plenty of Advantages

When you’re a gamer, you know how many tactics there are out there to help you get through a particularly bad section of a game. Number one is to keep playing until you beat it, but of course, that’s the most annoying and time consuming one!

Thankfully, there’s plenty of other efforts out there you can look into, and most are right at your fingertips.

Video games are meant to be fun, first and foremost, and no amount of exclusive championships and esports teams in the world are going to change that. So there’s no harm in turning down a difficulty setting in the main menu and then trying again. On the other hand, you can head to sites such as, which can really arm you to the teeth with codes and prompts to make an area significantly less perilous.

Video Games are Just Far Too Addicting to Put Down

Even when we’re frustrated with a section of the game, or we hate the way a certain mechanic works out, we still can’t step away from the controller or step away and never turn the screen back on again.

Because of this, perhaps the frustration we feel from video games is very minor. And there’s always much more enjoyment to be had out of a game than there is annoyance.

So the frustration element of the game you picked up on your way home from work isn’t really going to disrupt your immersive experience. And if something really is troubling, you can always take five minutes to calm down and focus. There’s always a great payoff after you’ve beat an impossible level, and that’s guaranteed to have you coming back to finish!

Video games can be annoying to handle, but they’re never going to be quite annoying enough to lose a fanbase and drop the sales of a certain console. So it’s clear there’s something special about them, and most gamers can’t get enough!

Originally published at PlayStation 4 Magazine.

