Hannah Galactic
Published in
1 min readNov 24, 2020


A poem is meant to be heard.

You will want to rotate your phone.

Rip The Veil

A Poem, A Plea, A Hope For Something More

2000 years ago a veil was ripped
It was meant to remove the separation
Between man and God

And yet here we are now
2000 years, endless potlucks and church mass choirs
A light so dimmed, how can anyone see…

Rip the veil, oh God
Man-made though it may be

Rip the veil, oh God
And let us see
Your blood bought for us more than just an eternity

Rip the veil, oh God
For I am so tired of this cheesy religion
That only nods at Your Glory

Behind the veil…
A Majesty, A Love, A Life
Worth any sacrifice

Behind the veil…
A Truth
Wonderment upon Wonderment

Behind the veil…

Please feel free to check out more of my art: www.hgalactic.com

If you find inspiration or any type of goodness in my work, please consider supporting me in one or more ways. All of my very best!

  1. Your claps are so appreciated.
  2. Please share my work with others in all of your various platforms.
  3. Consider exploring my site and finding a piece of art to call your own.
  4. I will always be so very grateful for your prayers.



Hannah Galactic
Editor for

I am the art, not the artist — sculpted by a Master Potter. www.hgalactic.com