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Asleep in the Light

Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2024


Lord, you are speaking,
ㅤ but I find it difficult to listen.
You are teaching,
ㅤ but I am so slow to learn.
I lack focus.
I am short on desire.
I seem to lack…


As if I were…


Why Lord?
Why am I not awake?
Have I never been awakened?
Awakened to your truth?
Awakened to your…


If I had your Spirit in me,
ㅤ I would be drawn to you.
Desiring your goodness.
Drawn to your teachings.
Attentive to your…


If I had your Spirit in me,
ㅤ my spirit would be seeking yours.
Communing with your Spirit.
ㅤ running after,
Life in you…
My heart racing.
My blood pumping.
ㅤ seeking spiritual conditioning.

If your Breath was reviving me,
ㅤ your love would be pouring out of me.
I would feel a need to share your truth.
To tell others of your goodness.
To teach others how to know you better.
How to experience your…


But when I ignore your Spirit,
ㅤ I find myself falling asleep.
When I quench your promptings,
ㅤ I lose my awareness of the truth.
My sensitivity to your leading.
I lose your…


When I am consumed by my fears for tomorrow,
ㅤ I lose sight of your eternity.
When I am filled with the things of my world,
ㅤ I have no room for the things of yours.
When I am chasing the visible,
ㅤ I cannot see the invisible.

Lord, awaken me.
May my spirit arise.
Rather than falling asleep,
ㅤ may I stand in your presence.
Rather than aimless running,
ㅤ may I simply remain.
Abide with you.
Abide with your Spirit.

Lord, I inhale deeply.
Inhale your refreshing Breath.
I breathe in the fullness of life in you.

Fill me afresh Lord.
Fill me afresh today.

Psalming as Performance Art — written in real time, as I sat listening to a teaching by Pastor Rob of Calvary Chapel, Jan 7, 2024.



Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.