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Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


After we discover truth,
we learn to tell true from false.
Good from evil.
Truth from lies.
Truth tellers from…


Not every word is truth.
Not every message is accurate.
Not every spirit is good.
Not every spirit is from…

The Spirit

The only true word is…

The Word

The only truth is from…
The only truth is through…
The only truth is…


Jesus in the world.
Jesus walking the earth.
Jesus become flesh.


To deny Jesus incarnate is to deny God.
To deny Jesus incarnate is to deny truth.

But lies are easily believed.
They can sound enticing.
They can appear beautiful.
They can please us momentarily.
They can draw us…


Away from truth.
Away from the one true Word.
Away from Jesus.
Away from…


So we must discern.
We must stay grounded.
We must rely on Jesus.
We must meditate on his…


Because the Giver of truth is greater than the teller of lies.
What is of God is greater than what is of the devil.
The Spirit of Truth is greater than the spirit of falsehood.
The Spirit of Life is greater than the spirit of death.

To discern the truth I can trust Jesus,
while my heart alone can be deceitful.
God’s way is always better than my way.
So I must be aware.
I must…


Beware of a different Jesus.
A different definition of God.

Beware of a different Way…
A different way to heaven.
A different gospel.

Beware of a different morality.
A different definition of good.
A morality that is immoral.
A morality that is perverted.

So beware.
Beware and test the spirit.
Test against the truth.
The one Truth.
The one true Word of God.

Know the Word and judge against it.

Inspired by a teaching by Pastor Larry at North Coast Church, Vista, 2/25/24



Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.