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God’s Empowering Presence

Steve ThePsalmist
Psalming Sermons
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2019


Living the Ressurection #6

Lord, you have given me your Spirit.
Yes Jesus, your personal presence lingers,
ㅤ lives,
With me.
In me.

Help me Lord.
Help me sense you.
See you.
Recognize you.
Help me know your…


For knowing you…
Recognizing your presence…
Is to flourish.
Is to live as we were created to live.
Is to be fully human.

If instead we live apart from you…
When our primary connection is not with you…
We are left dissatisfied.
We are left…


You have revealed yourself.
You have told us your story.
You have written us into your story.
And through this story we begin to recognize your Presence.
We begin to sense your…


You have brought us face-to-face with you.
You have walked beside us.
Shared life with us.
You have not tuned us out.
Rather, you have been fully…


And you have given us reminders of your presence.
We have joined you in celebrating your presence.
Celebrating our past, present, and future deliverance.
Celebrating harvest.
Celebrating our anticipated future.
Celebrating freedom from our past.
Celebrating freedom from our brokenness.

But even in this,
ㅤ we fail to recognize your presence.
We fail to see you walking with us.
We find ourselves living in…


So you make your presence even more visible.
Even more personal.
You come to comfort,
ㅤ to be with,
You come as our advocate.
As a voice for the voiceless.

You gather us up to you.
You give us a new heart.
You put your Spirit in us.
You make us your…


You make us a place where you dwell.
A place for your Presence.
You make us new creations.
More fully human.
You begin the work,
ㅤ your work,
Of making us…


So what we previously searched for…
What we previously tried to discover…
You placed in us.
Your wonder,
ㅤ your mystery,
You placed in us.
Yes, we became a people of…


And now you invite us to live that mystery.
You invite us to share,
ㅤ to reveal,
ㅤ to show,
That mystery to others.

For you desire us,
ㅤ the transformed,
To invite others.
To invite others into…


You desire others to see you through us.
To see the mystery of the ordinary becoming the…


a bit of performance art — I wrote as the speaker spoke…

