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Here I am.

Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018


Here I am.
But who am I?
Who am I to go?
Who am I that you would call on me?
Call me to act?
For I am small.

Here I am.

I have seen you.
Seen your goodness.
Seen you are Goodness.
And I see you here.
Here I am.

I step into your goodness.
Into your good intentions.
Into the good you desire for me.
Intentions for the world.
Intentions for me.

I repent of what I do.
Of what I appear to be.
And I rethink who I am.

In response…

I make myself available to you.
To your glory.
And I worship.
In all I do, I worship you.
For I do all in your name.
You are the center.
You are central to my story.
You, not me, are the center of my story.
When I open my eyes, I see your glory.
With my eyes open I see your glory.

I’ve run from you.
Declared my Independence.
Hid myself in the bushes.
Distanced myself from you.

And waited…

Waited for your call.
For your response.
For your approach.
For you to show…
Your love.
Your desire for me.

Waited for your pursuit.

And when I saw you…
Felt your presence…
When I encountered you…
I responded…
“Here I am Lord.”

In your love, you identified me.
Showed me, gave me, my identity.
You placed me in your story.
For your story is my story.

You locate me.
Position me here.
Here I am Lord.

You free me.
Make me real.
Here I am Lord.

I meet you, encounter you, here.
Here I am Lord.

I may drift away from here.
Find myself “there”.
But it’s hard to be there.
Here I am Lord.

Lord, today I respond to you.
To your pursuit.
To your love.

Here I am Lord.

This is the first sermon psalm I’ve written in real time, as I sat in church listening to a sermon preached by Pastor Phil on 5/6/18: A Culture of Encounter



Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.