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Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons
Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2022


Who am I?
How do I see myself?
From inside,
ㅤwhat is my view of…


I easily descend into a view,
ㅤa perception,
That is inaccurate.
I see a me that struggles.
That fails.
That has no…


But the truth differs.
The One who designed me,
ㅤwho created me,
Views me correctly.
He knows my…


My true identity.
My identity in him.
My identity as his child.
An identity I cannot,
ㅤI need not…


But my tendency is to reject that.
To attempt to earn.
To make myself valuable.
To make myself worthy.
To make myself…


So I hide my brokenness.
I cover over what I fear won’t be accepted.
I wear a mask.
I live my life in a…


Only when I turn toward his truth…
Only when I reject my faulty view of self…
Only when I take off my mask…
Only when I share my hurt…
Can I feel accepted.

And only in the security of being accepted,
ㅤcan I be open to seeing my true self.
To living as my true self,
ㅤeven as I struggle with my brokenness.
I finally begin to learn that my struggles don’t define…




Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.