Purpose & Fulfillment

Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons


Purpose & Fulfillment
I need hope.
Not just a wish,
ㅤ but true hope.
Hope based in reality.
Hope with a foundation.
Hope with an…


I need a reason to hope.
In spite of the surrounding reality,
ㅤ I need to know there
ㅤㅤ can
ㅤㅤㅤ be
something more.
I need to know there
ㅤ will
ㅤㅤ be
something more.

To know my hope can be,
ㅤ will be…


In the agitation I’m immersed in,
ㅤ the anxiety I’m attacked by,
I need the hope of…


Without hope I have only troubles.
Without hope I have only my broken heart.
Without hope I am lost and…


But I cannot save myself.
I must have the hope offered by Another.
There must be someOne who can deliver me.
There must be someOne I can hope in.
There must be someOne I can come to…


For to believe someone,
ㅤ there must be…


There must be walking together.
Joy together.
Suffering together.
Living together in…


Only then can I have confidence in that which I hope for.
Only in knowing the One who offers hope,
ㅤ can I truly believe in the hope offered.
I need to experience their power.
Their goodness.
Their kindness.
Their closeness.


Jesus, creator of all,
ㅤ help me to know you.
Help me to see you.
I know you are here in power.
Help me sense your…


For only in knowing you do I have hope.
Only in working with you,
ㅤ can I work toward that hope.
That hope for glorification.
Only in you can I participate in your…


In you I can see my suffering from a future perspective.
I can see it as struggles that grow me into your eternity,
ㅤ an eternity in which I already live.

Help me Jesus.
Show me your purpose in me.
Lord, as I join you,
ㅤ fulfill your purpose for me.

For you, Lord, are my purpose.
You, Lord, are my rest.
You, Lord, are my victory.
You, Lord, are my joy.
You, Lord, are my…


Psalming as Performance Art — written in real time, as I sat listening to a teaching by Pastor Jamie at Calvary Chapel Vista, Dec 13, 2023



Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.