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Rooted — Initiation

Steve ThePsalmist
Psalming Sermons
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2019


ㅤ feeling,
This basic need,
ㅤ when not met,
Leaves me feeling lost.
Feeling that I have no identity.
No idea who I am.
No idea why I am.

But when I am,
ㅤ when I feel,
I am able to love.
To love from my identity,
ㅤ rather than loving for my identity.
To love freely, rather than loving someone,
ㅤ loving anyone,
ㅤ loving anything,
In order to find my identity.

Being rooted is a becoming…
A journey.
A way of living.

Not simply wandering.
Not an undirected,
ㅤ purposeless,
Not a trip from
ㅤㅤ no … where
ㅤ to
any … where

The journey into rootedness requires both location and direction.
I must gain some idea of
ㅤ where…
where I am.
Where I am journeying from.
As well as a belief in
ㅤ what…
What I am journeying towards.

When I recognize where I am…
When I admit how little I can offer on my own…
My journey has a beginning.
A starting position.
An initial posture.

When I put down my pride…
When I cease turning inward…
When I cease being the center of my world…
When I stop overestimating myself…
When I stop underestimating God…
My journey in the Kingdom can…


I can offer only willingness.
Willingness to participate.
Willingness to be…


Beginning the journey is…


ㅤ Seeing God.
ㅤ Seeing myself.
ㅤ Seeing God seeing me.
ㅤ Seeing others with God.

Humility is willingness…
Willingness to hear God tell me who I am.
To hear God tell me why I am.

Losing my own definition of self,
ㅤ giving it over to God,
Allows me to find myself.
Losing my life allows me to find…


Thoughts to consider…
ㅤ- What does rooted mean to you?
ㅤ- What are you rooted in?
ㅤ- What ‘nutrients’ does that cause you to absorb?

Lord, help me to feel loved, that I may love well.
Lord, help me to love well, that I may feel loved.

