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Steve ThePsalmist
Psalming Sermons
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2019


In spite of our appearances…
Despite how we may present ourselves to others…
We all carry something inside.
We all carry deep inner pain.
We all possess deep inner needs.
We all…


We thirst for relief.
We thirst for sustenance.
We thirst for … something.


More satisfying.
More fulfilling.
More enriching.


For our thirst…
Our incompleteness…
Is not simply physical.
Is not simply in our…


Our thirst is spiritual.
Our thirst is in our…


Our soul is empty.
It lacks sustenance.
It lacks the nourishment that gives life.
It lacks…

Living Water

This water,
ㅤ this living water,
Is not something we draw from a well.
This water is not something we can work for.
This water is not something we can earn.
This living water is a…


Unlike water we obtain,
ㅤ water we draw from the well,
This water quenches,
ㅤ this water truly quenches,
Our thirst.
Our internal thirst.
The thirst of our spirit.
It satisfies our thirst…


It satisfies our thirst…


But in our confusion,
ㅤ we ask…


Where can we get this water?
This living water?
For we still think,
ㅤ we insist,
That we must obtain,
that we must earn,
This water.

But we ask the wrong question.
For nothing physical can satisfy us.
Nothing physical can fill us.
Only the spiritual,
ㅤ only the Spirit,
Can fill us.
We can only be satisfied by the life-giving power of the…


When we finally ask the right question…
When we finally hear,
ㅤ when we finally accept.
The answer…
When we finally receive,
ㅤ the Spirit..
We are…


Our heart…
ㅤ renewed.
Our soul…
ㅤ redeemed.
Our spirit…
ㅤ transformed.

We become new.
New creations.
And we begin to live.
We begin to live out our transformation.
We begin to live within our…


Yet we struggle.
For even in our completeness,
ㅤ in our transformed selves,
We find we are still being transformed.
We are still being completed.

For we still carry those old hurts.
We harbor those old pains.
We still have wounds.
We still have…


For the Spirit is still at work.
He is completing the work he has begun.
The living water is still quenching our needs.
Our deep inner needs.

And only by surrendering those deep inner needs,
ㅤ those deep inner hurts,
To the Spirit,
Will our thirst be quenched.

Only by finding,
ㅤ by revealing,
Those inner hurts…
Those inner thirsts…
Can they be quenched.

Only when we reach out,
ㅤ when we step towards others,
Can we unlock those hurts.
Only in community can we discover what we have hidden.
What we have hidden from ourselves.

Only in community can our thirsts,
ㅤ our hurts,
Be named.
Only in community can our thirsts,
ㅤ our hurts,
Be quenched.
Only in community can we be…


a bit of performance art — I wrote as the speaker spoke…

