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This is Life

Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2018


When does life begin?
What does it look like to truly live?
Is life as we currently know it,
ㅤ as we experience it today,
All there is?
Is this the only possibility?

Or is there something more…
Something different…
Something better…

Can we be awakened to a new life?
One with meaning?
Or must we choose to live differently…
Must we transform ourselves into something meaningful…

The answer is given,
ㅤ is spoken to us,
By the Word.
The Word of life.
He gives us a direction,
ㅤ the one true direction,
For us to channel our longing.
Our longing for life.
Our longing to feel,
ㅤ rather than suppress,
Our passions.

He invites us to live.
To live a life bigger than our visible reality.
A life that is more than the physical.
A life greater than,
ㅤ beyond,
Life as defined by science.

Jesus does not point us to a life that is outside our current reality,
ㅤ but to a life lived more fully in our current reality.
He message is not to leave where we are,
ㅤ but to live where we are.
To live with him.
To live in him.
To live loved.

For we are chosen.
Chosen in love.
Chosen to be loved.

Accepting this love moves us.
Moves us from death to life.
We cross over from nothingness and into fullness.

Our spirit experiences rebirth.
In this new beginning,
ㅤ we finally begin to feel alive.
We discover who we were made to be.
Who we are.
We discover,
ㅤ we experience,
Our belovedness.

And in the life we can now live,
ㅤ others see the answer.
The answer to their own need.
Their own longing.

As we step into,
ㅤ as we learn to live,
ㅤ this life in Jesus,
We grow in relationship.
In relationship with God and with others.
And together we live true life.
Life as his people.
Life as his children.
True life.

Psalming as Performance Art — written in real time, as I sat in church listening to a sermon preached by Pastor Phil on 9/16/18: “This is Life: 1 John, a prelude”



Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.