Together Day by Day

Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons
2 min readNov 22, 2022


Lord, you teach us.
Through your Word,
ㅤyou teach us.
How to live.
How to follow you.

How to gather…
Gather in your name.
Gather for fellowship.
Gather for the breaking of bread.

Gather to lift each other up.
To lift each other up in prayer.
To lift each other with encouragement.
To simply travel…


In Christ,
ㅤby gathering under him,
We discover his…


Unity that brings his presence.
Unity that changes the atmosphere,
ㅤthat changes the air we breathe.
Unity that brings his breath,


This unity,
ㅤthis day-by-day gathering,
Establishes the way of the Lord.
Establishes his Kingdom.
Establishes his…


Our gathering in unity displays,
ㅤand spreads,

Good News

Yes, as we gather in hospitality,
ㅤas we invite each other in,
We display his good news.
We display his acceptance.
We display his…


As we step boldly into the lives of,
ㅤinto connection with,
We discover our own…


We find our own life growing within us.
We find ourselves living more fully.
In the sharing,
ㅤin the connecting,
We find acceptance and love.

We find that love overflowing to others.
We feel their love overflowing to us.
We find ourselves moved into a life of…


Joy in spite of our circumstances.
Joy that rises above our surroundings.
Joy that decries the visible difficulties.
Joy that draws others closer to God’s…


Joy that draws others into the…


Lord, you are my joy.
You are my hope.
You are my life.
You are my love.

Help me Lord,
ㅤhelp me to day by day,
To love with your love.
To love as you have first loved me.

With a love that brings peace.
With a love that brings joy.
With a love that brings…


Together series, week 3: Psalming as Performance Art — written in real time, as I sat listening to a sermon preached by Pastor Todd on 11/20/22 — Together



Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.