What’s Your Move?

Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons


I’m hiding Lord
I don’t want them to know
I’m hiding Lord
My faults I do not show

It’s too hard Lord
Containing so much shame
It’s too hard Lord
I know that I’m to blame

Forgive me Lord
I confess that I have sinned
Forgive me Lord
Don’t let me sin again

Save me Lord
I’m weary from the strife
Save me Lord
Only in you is there life

Show me Lord
I cannot hit the mark
Show me Lord
I’m giving you my heart

I surrender Lord
I must release control
I surrender Lord
I rely on what you know

Please bless me Lord
I confess I’m falling short
Please bless me Lord
But still I seek you out

I trust you Lord
In spite of what I see
I trust you Lord
I know there’s more for me

I’m listening Lord
I do not know the way
I’m listening Lord
Apart from you I am not safe

You’re my light Lord
I find truth in your Word
You’re my light Lord
Of your gift I have heard

Restore me Lord
I must be close to you
Restore me Lord
Free me from what I do

Help me Lord
Please help me do your will
Help me Lord
I am walking with you still

Free me Lord
Please cleanse me from my past
Free me Lord
I can follow you … at last

Psalming as Performance Art — written in real time, as I sat listening to a teaching by Pastor Chris at North Coast Church, Vista, 1/13/24



Steve Frank
Psalming Sermons

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.