Can you learn Python in a month?

Yusra Ajmal Rai
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2021

A defined goal plan to learn Python.

Python programming language is the subject of a great deal of hype in the world of technology. From developing web applications and software, analyzing and visualizing data to making use in advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) projects, python has become a buzzword because of its versatile and flexible nature that allows the programmers to use the language across a wide range of operating systems.

Python is a high-level language. Yet, it is easy to learn. Coming back to the question: Can you learn Python in a month? The answer is yes.

You don’t need to acquire advanced python concepts or be some expert developer to understand the concepts. I will show you below how to learn Python in one month.

Timeline to Follow:

So getting started, as a beginner — you have to invest 5–6 hours a day to be in a safe place and reach your goal.

Week 1

Day 1, 2, 3: Get familiar with basic Python concepts

As a newbie, read and read to know the basics and observe how things are done in python. Get familiarity with the Python syntax, expressions, data types and variables, and operators.

I would personally recommend you to read Learning Python by Mark Lutz, it is a comprehensive and self-paced book letting readers get an in-depth understanding of the core Python language.

You can also get enrolled in beginner-level python courses on Coursera, Udacity, edX.

Day 4, 5: Get started with Python coding

Start with easy code. If you are efficient in languages such as C, C++, C#, Java, etc., you can get directly to medium to hard coding problems.

Day 6, 7: Explore Python Data Structures

Lists, Tuple, Dictionary, Sets

Week 2

Day 1, 2, 3, 4: Python Programming Fundamentals

Conditions and Branching, Loops and Functions, Objects and Classes, Constructor, Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming

Day 5, 6, 7: Algorithm

Search, Sort, Recursive function, Time Complexity

Here are some recommendations to get your hands to practice problems:

1. HackerRank

2. LeetCode

Week 3

Day 1: Get started with an IDE to build your projects

Begin with Jupyter notebook. It is interactive and easy to use. It is great for educational purposes.

Day 2: Get Familiar with GitHub

This is to make you familiar with another interactive environment, where you collaborate with your fellow coders and enjoy complex python coding.

Day 3,4,5: Practice, Practice, Practice

My one piece of advice for the best way to learn python is to practice. You write a code, make errors, learn from the errors and build a project. And once you’re done, publish your Python project on GitHub.

Get in Touch

Day 6: Revise your work

Go through the notes you made out of tutorials and reading materials. Highlight your strengths and weak areas.

Day 7: Work on weak areas

Reflect on your weak areas. Practice on the bugs and topics where you need improvement. Practice easy codes on those relevant topics.

Week 4

Day 1: Learn File Handling

Read and write files with open.

Day 2: Explore Pandas

Pandas is a popular library for data analysis. It can help you to load, work and save data with Pandas.

Day 3,4: Get Familiar with NumPy

Learn about one-dimensional array and two-dimensional array in NumPy. Practice exercises.

Day 5, 6: Re-practice your old and new concepts

It is time you revise your complete work. You have almost mastered the beginner level Python and you’re good to get started with hunting some job opportunities.

Day 7: You’re almost done

Congratulations you can now add Python under the skill section in your resume. Update your profile, connect to the networks and apply away for jobs with python on LinkedIn, Glassdoor.

In a nutshell, the rule of thumb is to invest 5–6 hours every day and being consistent and dedicated. You can master the language and become a pro with time and practice.

