Welcome to Psy-Lens

Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2020

A hearty welcome to Psy-lens; a one-stop destination to everything related to psychology. As the sub-title goes, ‘Psychology for everyone’, this publication is not merely an academic reference for experts. Rather it is intended for the general public- both scholars and laymen alike. Fo the same reason, we have made the writing simple and short, even while elaborating concepts that are strictly scientific.

The publication kick-started in the month of April 2020 and has published over 60 articles since then. The articles range from answers to common queries to abstracts of empirical research papers. And we have received immense love from the world over. It really warms our heart to know that people are really interested in the field of psychology, and given the right conditions are ready to spend a bit of time to learn about it.

Feel free to comment and criticise our articles, so that we can improve and be better. And do share this opportunity with your friends and foes as psychology is a scientific branch that deserves to be heard by all.

If you think your writing can let people get closer to psychology, make them a bit more knowledgeable in the field or at least showcase a psychological fact as it is, you are eligible to send a draft to our publication. You can contact us through our official mail id; ed.psylens@gmail.com. You can also contact us through our Linkedin page (https://www.linkedin.com/company/psy-lens) and Instagram profile (https://www.instagram.com/ed.psylens). Looking forward to hearing from you…


Chief editor, Psy-lens




Psy-enthusiast, Content creator, Cinephile