40 things to do at home while you’re self-isolating

Martha Neary
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2020

Not sure what to do at home during the COVID-19 epidemic? Here are some suggestions. We’ll be sharing more ideas on our social media in the coming days and weeks (@PsyberGuide on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook).

  1. Learn something new. There are lots of free courses are offered through Khan Academy and Coursera. You could also learn a new language via Duolingo.
  2. Organize old paperwork.
  3. Write daily letters or emails and send them to family or friends.
  4. Start and keep a journal.
  5. Build something (now would be a great time to pick up some woodworking!).
  6. Find a good home workout plan. Many gyms and clubs are now offering live streaming or online classes. Check your local centers’ social media pages to learn about their ongoing events.
  7. Read an actual book.
  8. Picnic in your backyard.
  9. Group FaceTime with friends and family.
  10. Start a blog.
  11. Have a conversation with your family or roommates (check out this list for good ice breakers).
  12. Cook a new recipe.
  13. Put together a scrapbook.
  14. Check out museums with virtual tours.
  15. Teach your kids or someone you live with your favorite schoolyard game
  16. Clean (we know, but what a great time to finally do those tasks you’ve been putting off!).
  17. Listen to a new podcast.
  18. Bake something.
  19. Do some crafts.
  20. Call your friends or family to say hi!
  21. Puzzles — try a crossword online (you can invite friends to do these with you), sudokus or ken-kens
  22. Purge your closet.
  23. Tend to plants.
  24. Make up a game.
  25. Reorganize cabinets or closets.
  26. Write down 3 (or more) things you’re grateful for.
  27. Do something for someone else. This may be calling or leaving a note for a neighbor, texting a friend or loved one, donating to a charity, helping someone at home.
  28. Do an online yoga class. Many yoga teachers are offering live streams of classes. Check out your local yoga studio to find a class. (This is also a great way to help support teachers who are self-employed during this time).
  29. Take a walk outside (when possible).
  30. Watch a movie (especially all the really long ones you’ve been putting off watching).
  31. Listen to a favorite album from your teenage years, or find some new music to listen to.
  32. Meditate (check out Balance, Headspace, Calm and Sanvello which have all released free content).
  33. Treat yourself to some pampering! Do your nails, do a face mask, moisturize (here are some ideas for a DIY face mask!).
  34. Look at pictures of cute animals.
  35. Take a bath.
  36. Draw a random shape and create a unique picture.
  37. Have a Netflix party.
  38. Invite your friends to play some online games.
  39. Practice or learn to play an instrument.
  40. Rearrange your furniture. Give your home a new look and feel!

Show us what you’ve been up to! Tag us in a post and use the hashtag #StayHomeStaySafe. Stay safe and healthy, from all of us at PsyberGuide.

This list was co-authored by our amazing PsyberGuide team, John Bosco S. Bunyi and Kristy Palomares.



Martha Neary

Musings on digital mental health. Project Manager @ PsyberGuide, the mental health app guide.