One click personality test

Elizabeth Kwan
Psyc 406–2015
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2015

Reflecting one’s thoughts and feelings by choosing a certain images or visual stimuli has always been an interesting aspect for me in the psychology world. Just like how people suggest picking a certain tools in a picture will tell if that suspect is a criminal or he or she is innocent. I have done this personality test, which is extremely easy. Only one step is required. Nine images are shown and I am asked to choose one of them, which appeals to me the most.

“The test was developed by a psychologist and the colour and/or form of each shape was carefully adjusted.” By choosing the shape that appeals to me the most will reflect what kind of personality I possess. Each shape will tell 3 qualities that person possesses. I chose the one in the middle, on the last row. It suggests that I am a romantic, dreamy, and emotional person (which I found it pretty accurate). After that, I chose the 2nd most appeal shape to me, the top left image. This suggests that I am an introspective, sensitive and reflective person. This reflects less accurate of how I perceive myself, but it is still true. Then I wonder, maybe all shapes fit me since the descriptions are all vague. Surprisingly, the other 7 don’t fit me or I don’t see myself in any other descriptions of personalities.

First of all, scientifically, the validity and reliability of this test are low. There is no method to measure the test. How the person perceives the image and why the person chooses the image cannot be measured and can hardly be understood as well. Moreover, people’s choice can be influenced by many factors, such as the person’s mood of the day, the time that the person took the test (cognitive resource), and how serious the person is while doing the test since it only requires one step to complete the test. In addition, people who are colour blind are not able to finish the test, which is another limitation of this personality test.

Even though this personality test is not scientific, I still find it interesting and cool that the test “result” is pretty accurate for me.

