Psyc 406 — 2015

A new year brings new challenges

Stephen Stotland, Ph.D.
Psyc 406–2015
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2015


Getting ready for Psyc 406 starting Jan 9, 2015. As always this process brings some anxiety, some excitement, a feeling of challenge and a desire to learn something new. I have the (bad?) habit of not wanting to repeat the same course, even though I definitely don’t want to start from scratch. I need to go through some reflection about the course (what’s the objective?) and think about what’s new (any new testing methods? new technology? new theories?) before I commit. I wonder about the students I will meet — who are they? what do they know about the subject? what do they want to know? and I wish I could get the answers to these questions while I’m in the process of planning the course. Eventually I will get down to work, start clearing away the stuff I didn’t like from last time and decide what to focus on this year.

The big new thing in last year’s course was the blogging assignment using Medium, which produced the 500 plus posts in the Psyc 406 collection. This was a really fun experience for me and for some of the students, although it was clearly stressful for others. I look forward to tweaking the process a bit this year…

I also like having the platform to share some of my thoughts with students.

Comments are always welcome….



Stephen Stotland, Ph.D.
Psyc 406–2015

Asking questions about integrating mind and body in health care @montrealcomp