The Buzzer Beater, the People Pleaser or the Unmotivated

Psyc 406–2015
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2015

Watching ten lectures the day before an exam. Pulling an all-nighter to write a paper. Submitting assignments online a minute before the deadline. Procrastination is a common problem among students; I constantly do things last minute. Since procrastination is a daily struggle for me, I decided to develop my project test on this construct.

Over reading week, I was struggling to create items for my procrastination test and came across this fun interactive procrastination test. It is called the Procrastination Personality Test and is created in collaboration with Dr. Pier Steel, who is one of the word’s best researchers on the topic of procrastination. How this procrastination test is unique and differs from the other random tests that are available online is the fact that it tests on which kind of procrastinator you are. I was so surprised when I first completed this test. Like how could there be six different kinds of procrastinators? I initially thought there were either people who procrastinate or people who don’t. Apparently, Dr. Steel not only was able to pinpoint these six different kinds but also offers advice at the end of the test on how to fight the urge to put things off.

The Buzzer Beater, the People Pleaser, the Distracted, the Big Dreamer, the Unmotivated and the Worrier are the six varieties of procrastinators. (By the way, I am the Unmotivated.) For the Buzzer Beater, procrastination is a strategy where the pressure of the deadline is helpful. The People Pleaser constantly accepts other people’s favours and is overwhelmed by that workload. The Distracted is unable to concentrate on a task for too long. The Big Dreamer always comes up with great ideas and the necessary work that needs to be accomplished gets pushed aside by those ideas. The Unmotivated doesn’t have enough energy on a daily basis and procrastinates, thinking that more motivation will come tomorrow. And finally, the Worrier doesn’t want to let anyone down and is concerned about failing so the task on hand gets put to the side for less anxiety inducing work.

All these different kinds of procrastination stem from our general personality. Although the end result is the same (putting off tasks for later), the process and thoughts that lead our actions are not.

Try the Procrastination Personality Test and see what kind of procrastinator you are!


