Multiple Intelligences, Please!

You are happiest and most successful when you learn, develop, and work in ways that make best use of your natural intelligences.

From The Couch
6 min readApr 3, 2014

The theory of multiple intelligences is a theory of intelligence that divides intelligence into several specific modalities. This model was proposed by Howard Gardner in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner’s original seven intelligences include: musical–rhythmic, visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence. He later included naturalistic, existential and moral intelligence to make up the multiple intelligences. This blog post chiefly focuses on the original, well-known seven intelligences! And stay tuned — I will provide you with a link so you can obtain and interpret your own personal score on these multiple intelligence (further down).

This theory quickly became established as a classical model by which to understand and teach many aspects of human intelligence, learning style, personality and behavior - in education and industry.

According to Gardner, intelligence makes it possible for us to:

  • create an effective product or offer a service of cultural value,
  • solve problems in life and create solutions for problems, and
  • gather new knowledge.

Now, I will re-introduce you to Gardner’s seven intelligences, wherein I provide you with a brief description of the intelligence type, the preferred learning styles of those with the specific type, and the typical roles that someone with the specific intelligence might take on in the future (or at the present moment).

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence.
If you have high verbal-linguistic intelligence, you are able to successfully interpret and explain ideas with words and languages — both written and spoken. You are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates. Preferred learning style: words and language. Typical roles: writers, lawyers, speakers, linguists, translators, TV and radio presenters, English teachers, etc.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
If you have high logical-mathematical intelligence, you present yourself as a logical and abstract thinker, and you have good reasoning and critical skills. You are able to perform mathematical calculations without using paper and pencil (or your fingers) and you understand the underlying principal of cause and effect. Preferred learning style: numbers and logic. Typical roles: scientists, Math teachers, accountants, engineers, statisticians, insurance brokers, etc.

Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence.
If you have high musical-rhythmic intelligence, you generally score high on musical ability. You appreciate and have a good awareness of sound, and you find it relatively easy to recognize different tonal and rhythmic patterns. You are able to put meaning and feeling to sound. Preferred learning style: music, sounds, and rhythm. Typical roles: musicians, singers, music producers, composers, music teachers, entertainers, deejays, acoustic engineers, etc.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence.
If you have high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, you feel in control of your bodily motions and have the capacity to handle objects skillfully (e.g. you can build things). You generally exhibit good physical agility and balance, and have near-perfect eye and body coordination. Preferred learning style: physical experience and movement, and touch and feel. Typical roles: athletes, dancers, builders, soldiers, actors, firefighters, osteopaths, etc.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence.
If you have high visual-spatial intelligence, you generally have good spatial judgment and are able to visualize with the mind's eye. You can interpret and create visual images, and have pictorial imagination and expression. Preferred learning style: pictures, shapes, images, and 3D space. Typical roles: artists, designers, photographers, architects, engineers, inventors, etc.

Interpersonal Intelligence.
If you have high interpersonal intelligence, you are typically able to interact easily with others. You are able to demonstrate sensitivity to others' moods and feelings, and you are cooperative. You typically learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion and debate. Preferred learning style: human contact, communications, cooperation, and teamwork. Typical roles: sales persons, politicians, counselors, social workers, educators, etc.

Intrapersonal Intelligence.
If you have high intrapersonal intelligence, you are usually very introspective and have good self-reflective capacities. You have the ability to understand yourself — your strengths/weaknesses, predicting your own reactions/emotions — and you work best when you are alone. Preferred learning style: self-reflection and self-discovery. Typical roles: can arguably be found in any role if you are self-aware and involved in the process of changing personal thoughts.

So that’s it for the seven intelligences — phew! If you are interested in finding out where you stand on these multiple intelligences, click HERE and you will find a MSExcel self-calculating format of the original long-winded multiple intelligences model. This version of the test was put together by V. Chislett and A. Chapman (2005) and takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

I took the test — here are my results!

As you can see on this graph (and you can get a graph just like this one too if you do the test yourself), I scored very high on the interpersonal, intrapersonal and musical intelligences, followed closely by the logical-mathematical intelligence. I am not at all surprised by my result, and since I feel this is an accurate representation of myself, this test is validated, correct? Let’s take a look at Chislett’s and Chapman’s test psychometric properties!

Psychometric Properties. C-squared outwardly admit that their free test has never been scientifically validated or normed. That was quick and easy.

It is important that users of these multiple intelligences tests (or another other personality test for that matter) need to understand that these simple and accessible models are used only to help you understand more about your preferred ways to learn and develop, and all results should be taken with a grain of salt. Please remember that over-reliance on, or extreme interpretation of, such a tool is frowned upon — but do as you please, Sir or Madam.

So go ahead friends and have fun with this test — because exams are coming and nothing in this world is more productive than procrastination!

