Blogging Test

Test responses from Psyc 406

Stephen Stotland, Ph.D.
Psyc 406 


My first question was whether or not the participants, who had little choice about whether to write or not (since it was worth at least 10 % of the grade), would actually enjoy the activity. Clearly, very few found it to be unenjoyable, and the average score is definitely in the enjoyment range, with an average of 4.7 / 6.

Next I wanted to assess the amount of work and effort experienced by the participants. The majority of blogs took between an hour and a day to write. The time spent writing blogs was split as far as it being more than expected vs. about what was expected or less. 90 % reported putting in a significant effort.

Length of time
Expected time
Learn by writing
Learn by reading

Importantly, the majority of participants reported learning more than expected from both writing and reading.

The Blogging Test appears to indicate that Psyc 406 participants, willing to blog or not, on the average found this to be a positive experience.

I recommend that other course instructors start a course collection on Medium as an amazing interaction tool. Future developments in the use of this platform are inevitable.

I welcome all comments and suggestions.



Stephen Stotland, Ph.D.
Psyc 406 

Asking questions about integrating mind and body in health care @montrealcomp