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Psychology applied to everyday life
Addiction in the Digital Age: Gaming, Social Media, and Beyond
Addiction in the Digital Age: Gaming, Social Media, and Beyond
We are living in an attention economy and social media is addictive by design. — Tristan Harris.
Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)
Sep 22
The Psychology of American Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism was a groundbreaking art movement that emerged in the mid-20th century and continues to shapethe contemporary art…
Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)
Sep 22
The Influence of Childhood Attachment Styles on Adult Relationships
The Influence of Childhood Attachment Styles on Adult Relationships
We are only as needy as our unmet needs. — John Bowlby
Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)
Sep 21
Understanding Human Behavior: A Very Brief Overview of the Major Psychological Sub-Disciplines
Understanding Human Behavior: A Very Brief Overview of the Major Psychological Sub-Disciplines
What is Psychology?
Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)
Jun 21
Understanding Personality Disorders: A Complex and Challenging Terrain
Understanding Personality Disorders: A Complex and Challenging Terrain
Personality disorders constitute a particularly intricate and challenging area within the field of psychology. These disorders are…
Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)
May 23
Navigating the Unknown: The Psychology of Uncertainty
Navigating the Unknown: The Psychology of Uncertainty
I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not…
Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)
Jan 25
Dependence vs. Addiction: The Similarities and Critical Differences
Dependence vs. Addiction: The Similarities and Critical Differences
First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you. — F. Scott Fitzgerald
Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)
Jan 19
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