How I get these scars

Scarification guide to freedom

3 min readMar 19, 2014

The sanctuary of the whole internet truth — Simple English Wikipedia says: “Like with the most body modification, there are many reasons why people choose to be scarified.” Actually, this is everything that readers need to know about scarification .

Well… we all know that sometimes you have to break the glass and “cut these fingers .” Russian spiritual essence screams without the possibility to cause this very pain to itself and others .

You will probably find scratched writings on the walls like “Hobo is a Yobbo” or a phone number to buy ice in every porch. There are same reasons for scratching walls, school desks or your own body. The passion for proving our existence is deeply entrenched in our cranium .

Deep-rooted truth requires deep-rooted recording. The very profound truth of all kinds is a truth of our own being, our own suffering and our own inability to overcome the body.

In Africa and Oceania scarification is a part of the rite of passage into manhood and warriorship. Striking your own “I” means rememberance. You will always remember the taste of bloody price of defeat in fighting for protection the tribe.

Now our tribe is a carnival of raw freaks and eating-themselves individuals.

But our imperfection can be compensated. We can tame it with a scalpel like an artist master the painting with the brush. You can create Director’s Cut of yourself. You may confirm who’s the boss, who is the king of beasts.

Turn the other cheek — as Jesus said . But why do you need cheeks when you can cut fist eternal question to pour blatant mug on your own chin? Scars adorn man. Scars tame the flesh .

Monks don’t wear fetters to aesthetically express their quest for the Absolute. They do it to remind themselves in what place they exist every second.

Tattoos are for Fags. True soldiers of fortune cut red crosses right over the heart to remember their beloved illussions.

Refined truth is that when you are vouchsafed to go hardcore, supply yourself with the pack of antibiotics and inquiries about hygiene because the master cut may not have the appropriate licenses .

Who can guarantee that your gesture of ontological good will won’t turn into sepsis or even hepatitis tomorrow ? This very fastidiousness hold giant crowds of self-flagellation and general depression in terms of total universal grief.

You need to have the stomach to even watch without remorse the product of human madness, existential suffering and desire for love of the thrill.

