3 Effects of LSD on Perception & Cognition

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4 min readSep 16, 2023

In the mid-20th century, Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann stumbled upon a substance that would revolutionize the study of consciousness: lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly known as LSD.

Since then, researchers and enthusiasts alike have been captivated by its profound effects on perception and cognition. Each of the effects — enhanced perception, enhanced creativity, and increased emotional empathy — are all facets that make LSD one of the most promising compounds in frontier mental health. And understanding the effects is important for many reasons: it helps inform research and therapeutic applications, it helps promote safe and responsible use, and it helps advance our understanding of consciousness.

This article aims to delve into this a bit more.

Heightened Sensory Experience

LSD has a unique ability to amplify sensory experiences, often leading to a heightened appreciation of colors, sounds, and textures.

A study conducted by Nichols et al. (2017) found that microdoses of LSD led to a significant enhancement in sensory perception in participants, particularly in the domains of color intensity and sound acuity.

To explore this effect safely, microdosing LSD in controlled settings is a great way to go. This involves ingesting a sub-perceptual dose, typically 10–20 micrograms, which can lead to subtle perceptual enhancements without inducing a full-blown psychedelic experience.

Neglecting proper dosing and setting can lead to overwhelming sensory experiences. It’s crucial to start with a low dose and ensure you’re in a comfortable and safe environment.

Engage in controlled sensory experiences while microdosing LSD. For instance, try listening to music, exploring nature, or appreciating visual art to fully immerse yourself in the amplified sensations.

Case Studies / Stories:

  • The Pioneering Studies of Aldous Huxley
  • Aldous Huxley, renowned author of “Brave New World,” documented his experiences with LSD in “The Doors of Perception.” His writings provided early insights into how LSD influences sensory perception.
  • Anecdotes from Psychedelic Researchers like Dr. James Fadiman
  • Dr. James Fadiman, a leading figure in psychedelic research, has collected numerous anecdotes from individuals who have experienced enhanced sensory perception through microdosing LSD. These accounts contribute to the growing body of evidence on this phenomenon.

Divergent Thinking and Creativity

Another interesting effect of LSD is its impact on thought patterns and creativity. Studies have shown that controlled doses of LSD can lead to a significant increase in divergent thinking, which is the ability to generate a wide range of novel ideas. To harness this enhanced creativity, individuals can engage in creative exercises during the afterglow period, which is the period of time after the peak effects have subsided.

Attempting complex cognitive tasks during the peak of an LSD experience can lead to frustration and potential confusion.

It’s important to recognize the optimal timing for creative endeavors. Engage in creative exercises like brainstorming, free-writing, or art-making during the afterglow period. This is when the mind is in a state of heightened creativity and can generate unique and innovative ideas.

Case Studies / Stories:

  • The “Problem-Solving” Insights of Francis Crick
  • Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the DNA double helix, famously attributed his breakthrough to an LSD experience. He claimed that the drug allowed him to think about the problem in a completely new and innovative way.
  • Anecdotes from Artists like Alex Grey on their Creative Process with LSD
  • Renowned artists like Alex Grey have openly discussed how LSD has influenced their creative process. Their experiences provide firsthand accounts of the profound impact that LSD can have on artistic expression

Time Dilation and Temporal Distortion

LSD has a notable effect on an individual’s perception of time.

Many report experiencing time dilation, where moments can feel stretched or compressed. This phenomenon can lead to a profound shift in how we perceive the passage of time. To gain a better understanding of this effect, try keeping a journal during your LSD experience.

This journal can serve as a valuable tool for reflection and integration after the experience.

Overestimating the duration of effects is a common mistake, which can lead to scheduling conflicts or discomfort.

It’s important to recognize that the effects of LSD can vary in duration and plan accordingly. Keep a journal during your LSD experience to document your observations and reflections on time perception. Note down any instances of time dilation or distortion that you experience.

Case Studies / Stories:

  • The Time-Altering Experiences of Albert Hofmann
  • Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, documented his experiences with the substance. He often described profound shifts in his perception of time during his experiments with LSD, providing valuable insights into this aspect of its effects.
  • Anecdotes from Participants in Double-Blind Studies on LSD and Time Perception
  • Numerous participants in double-blind studies have reported experiencing alterations in time perception while under the influence of LSD. These accounts contribute to the body of empirical evidence supporting the phenomenon of time dilation.

V. Conclusion

As we’ve explored, LSD has a profound influence on perception and cognition. It can heighten sensory experiences, enhance creativity, and alter our perception of time. However, it’s crucial to approach LSD use with caution and responsibility.

Understanding these effects can help individuals make informed decisions and maximize the benefits of this powerful substance

